Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Scribo ergo sum. Certainly it is I who am writing this. So I exist. These few lines of thought-out woffle also. So
I compose words . I write tones, periods, washes and masses, thin or thick, diagonal harmonies , dialogues
between my instrumental lines; all these intervals, heavy with Pythagoras, all emanate; they create aura or stir up ancient emotions and associations, atavistic
memories .
Take the current new work for Clarinet and Strings. I struggle with its form, forms, how it will all hang
togetherin the sweet by and by. I will solve it all. I believe. I must believe.Whether ever a living soul or a listening ear hears and delights.
My time gainsdignity; this play matters . Who shall separate the whistle?
I’ll write on. I exist alright , also the tones and words I’ve composed. Oh yes…. Dig on.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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