Music comes from money . False ? Well, all the institutions that carry it along do. Not the lonely creative flame, no. But its transformation into performances, image-making, the baking of the cake, music as ware, yes. ( ” – Give me enough money and I will create your musical canon and its musical icons, siftings and evaluation procedures and canonisation , recognition, life or death in or of a musical tradition…. I can thus make or break. – Give me! ” ). Is marketing, then, all? Well,no. No. After all you can’t buy imagination or courage or moral strength or a good composer’s good will-power, can you ? Well, let’s confuse the categories and muddy the waters and confound creating with making a quick buck ? Launch bad or good quality works ? Fiddle the definitions ? Manipulate . Money matters. But not in the long run. Who’s ?
Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings