Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Upcoming performances of music by Frank Corcoran
Composer Frank Corcoran has a number of pieces, new and old, in performance across the world during March and April.

The recording of Corcoran’s Violin Concerto, premiered last November by the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra with Alan Smale, conducted by Christopher Warren-Green, receives a number of broadcasts by the Dutch Radio Concertzender.

On 12 March in New York, North South Consonance, conducted by Max Lifchitz, will premiere a new work called Variations On Myself for chamber orchestra (supported by Culture Ireland – more on the concert here).

An Irish-themed event taking place at Cardiff National Museum on St. Patrick’s Day by the Welsh guitar, viola and flute trio Still Life with Guitar will feature the 2012 commission Seven Cubist Cardiff Miniatures, with a repeat performance planned for November this year.

9 April sees the Zagreb Trio, led by Martin Drausnik, perform Corcoran’s 1977 Piano Trio as part of the 2013 Zagreb Biennale in the Lisinki Concert Hall. This is an important work in the output of the composer, which saw him first develop his technique of macrocounterpoint which characterised his later works.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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