Coda or cod ? How on earth to end a new work ? Seek the cadence, yes, but , ah, it´s easier said. An ” auskomponiert” crescendo or decrescendo or ascent or descent or symphonic death by collapse or implosion or echoes of the composed past or even the big monumental thing ? All of these are thinkable. But which?
This all we call musical form, the strategist´s dramaturgy; as with our “How´ll I begin ? ” , I dare say. Dare it. All systems blaring and blazing and in medias rerum as the conductor´s ” Down!” beats; it´s time-honoured yet often eternally fresh. Then consider the wobble initialis, the hesitant viola solo, the wait and keep waiting for something “new” to happen.
So cadence at the end and suspense at the beginning ? The middle bit dares to develop, to weave, swerve, aquaplane, assert and question what ?
So AW ( = “The Artwork” ) then equals B (-egin ) plus D (-evelop )
plus FC ( = “Find Correct Cadence, Frank Corcoran ” ). Simple, daring maths. Would that it were so.
Fine. Wrap up now. Getting fierce cold here.
Posted under: General