Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


What does it mean ? ” Will never come again ” ? – Pseudo-profound misuse of tense or thought reality or what ?
Rosy fingered dawn purple alright. My recent work revolves around ” QUIS SUM ? “, hoary chestnut. eg. the newest ” Variations On Myself” for Chamber Orchestra; also my Violin Concerto ( Dublin 2012 ), Clarinet Quintet and “Rhapsodic Bowing” for 8 Celli ( RTE 2011 ) and my “Eight Haikus” for SS AA TT BB Choir. Also “Songs Of Terror And Love” for Bass and “Pierrot ” Ensemble ( New York 2011 ) . In the sense that ” F R A n Cis Es C orcor A n” is ” Frank Corcoran” ( are those tone-names him, i.e. me ? ) and where peeps ” Próinsias ´O Corcoráin ” , my pre -19th. c. Englished Gaelic-Irish “real” named
me ? See what ” I” mean ? And that´s only a linguistic start on my Holy Name, pre-Cartesian ! Oh dear ! Oh I !

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