Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


The usual watershed.
Where’ll I go from here , new big work or small ?
Writing and hearing and recording the 8 DUETTI IRLANDESI for Cello and Piano for the new CD, “Rhapsodic
Celli”, whetted the appetite , first of all, for Corcoran Lite pieces, for the minor art.
The new Piano
Trio is small in its proportions and only 3 instruments ( Piano, Cello plus tawny viola – a far cry from
my 1977 lonely act of courage with that First Piano Trio ( plus Violin, of course ) .
2018 in Blankenese, Hamburg , will be the premiere of 5 LIEDER with Corcoran texts. also an important trigger of future work.

Nov. 2 of this year in Dublin’s the ( exciting ) premiere of Piccolo Quartetto Filarmonico with Malachy Robinson’s double-bass and cello, viola, violin line-up. We are back to macrocounterpoint .

Small work makes big work. I am very excited at the 2019 New York NORTH SOUTH Premiere of a new Clarinet
Concerto. Shhh !

I think the pipelining of MY ALTO RHAPSODIES for Alto and ( yes ! ) Orchestra may yet set off the explosion. I know the premiere of the Cello Concerto and my re-discovery of “Rhapsodic Bowing” for 8 Celli did ( both adorn that new CD ) .

One thing leads to another. One formal sonic conquest triggers off another.
The new String Quartet is great,
each of its 3 movements like reinforced steel.
So keep the head in the great heat of July.
Keep the head.
Keep it cool.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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