Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Teach me a bit of sense ( The musical work is NOT its performances, their frequency, quality, notoriety or their ambience either ). To chew or not to chew the hermit´s pencil. To intersperse the odd Haiku when apposite. Not to go beyond the exhausted, developed, wrung – out / run out material. To take a high-trapeze artist´s risk when it behoves. To variate but not to repeat if there´s no earthly reason. To reason aethereally with compositional logic. To sing , when it´s a Violin Concerto ( it will be, soon ) . To bow rhapsodically if it´s 8 Celli you have . To believe once again in vocal polyphony it´s 8 HAIKUS for quasi cori spezzati. Teach. This cold blogs to log out.

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