Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


No vipers as yet – too washed, too sunless, too cold. Wackly
dangerous this May and June Alto Lazio climate. Wacky. Still, they – if shy – bite ( – only if etc. ).
Perusing Anthony Braxton, Paul Celan´s ” Leuchten im weit / Wie so weit…. “, Imperialism , A Study, C. Venter´s “The Meaning Of Life”, Massimo Terni´s great and beautiful “LO STATO “, Lutoslawsky´s “Pop” Music of the breadless fifties, Cartesian: ” Cogito ergo sum / Cogitatum ergo cogitationes” , and especially ” Si Deus est Deus, Deus est ! ” or Crossan The Spirit Of Things ” on Australian Radio… etc.
Write Bach fugues just after dawn, carpenter the odd Chorale Variations as muscle-training ; shape the line, musical muscle, that Baroque counterpoint as Olympic athletics. Watch Vatican and Vaticanologists, still damp vipers in washed out Lazio.
Wait for it.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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