1. I referred above to ” Condae Mhuigheo ” as a parent cell. Behind it are many mutants.
2. “Against , the second element in Frank Corcoran´s Law, what I am calling the recital-tone or highest note . I appears in a number of guishes”
3. Irish Musicology ( ? ) , weep. – ” Caoin tú féin “.
4. ” 4. 11. 1991. ” MY father was – AT LEAST – his , ” his ” late eighties. My first symphony had been premiered in Vienna, 1981 ( O.R.F.Symphony Orchestra / Lothar Zagrosek ) .
” 25 Mount Alton, Knocklyon, Dublin 16, ”
” One of your letters mentioned the thologian, L. Boros. I tried to look him up but could not find him. However , in the past, I made copious notes. You may remember how in my last letter to you I developed how the soul , plastered up the newly plastered wall , developed how the soul of an ivy , creeping up the newly plastered wall, grows LITLE FEET ( – my Killavalla capitals, now may > Mama FlanneryHairy reign )
climb. And the pony.
Stretches out its forepaw . To the order of a whip……
” from deafness its forepaw to the order of a whip