Let us, hush, hush up our global rubbish musical, that lovely Pax Americana Musicale whose ( verily minimally ) musical few blaring bars pelvic – now for sixty years – ( – More ? Is it SO long ? ) defyingly occupy not only any high musical ground which may no longer exist but , whoah ! , all, I write , ALL the deafening acoustic space in between ALL, all of my five ( ? ) listening ( ? ) continents.
Observe: “Visual” Media Music = expensive technology , media- stupid claptrap – I do mean this: musical poverty. So now, the actual few bleated , blared or soaringly searing vocal semantics of mythic bull-shit …
As I tonight, deep in this cozy musical eyrie hear it, the global problem cuts much deeper. Das Volk loves the image. It does so . More than tone.
Ethnographers , lovely people, some of my own, may date this as they will ( – they will … ) – into the early decades of our 20 th. c.
It doth follow , yeah, that:
We have unlearned listening, we have forgotten the normal art of understanding , say, fifty five seconds of musical argument in just about any musical context, in just about any ( – Here I accept any and all ” styles” , East and West… ) of our daily listening. Ear meets composed – cooked up – sounds electric. All I´m arguing for is that we´re musically phaughed.
Sound Wittenberg Theses :
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