Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

September ( Wet ! ) Visit In Venice

Reverse gears grind as the vaporetto captain shows us a trick or two at the shivering landing-place, San Stae. Under

me the watery abyss , yet only two and a half metres deep. Still, deep enough in this driving rain to …. It is

his use of the reverse that is so showy, how to , yes, glide out again from those planks and into the full flow of

our Canale Grande, planks and light rotting. At this year’s Biennale it is ” Art without the ” F” , I consider, as

this sun sets in weary wateriness. Contemporary music Biennale Concerts ( October coming up; I will not be here )

is for years now is in fast hands. Tomorrow this September drizzle will stop in the morning and a Ruskin / Turner sun will be up

and running . Venice needs good socks, good eyes. My ears remain . The odd king-fisher prowls.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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