Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Up there in Pavia’s fine royal dungeons Theoderic’s Visigoth (  rope  or wire ? )  was tightened around his splitting head-ache till the two eyes ( consoled by philosophy ) first bulged and then popped.So what meaneth  Boethius’s  sublime ” Nunc fluens facit tempus, nunc stans aeternitatum ”  at all at all              ? ( where’s the subject, noun, etc. ? )

I’ve loved and I’ve chased Boethius’s sublime Nunc Stans. He writes ( he doesn’t say how ….  )  that it “makes” the eternal.  ( In it time stands still ;but  he is not meaning  ” endlessly during ”   time, I take it ? )  And his Nunc Fluens ( like honey ? Like sun-flower oil ? like butter melting under an Italian sun  ? )  “makes”  time. And you can encounter both in Beethoven’s Opus 131, can you  ? In Mr. B’s time music’s eternal ?  Or is “nunc” an adverb after all ?  And is ” tempus” meant as a nominative ? Know what I mean,   my two eyes bulging ?  Do yours ?  Now ?

Hmmm.  Must ask around in New York, my Quasi Una Storia”  for 13 Strings  enduring and durating and circling sneakily around my own Nunc Stans. Plenty of time – sorry, eternity – for both ?  Quasi.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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