Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Time´s arrow noses into my future. I´d better write this down. As soon as I finish I will have finished writing this down. ” Future becomes Futurum Exactum. ” That is all.
No need ( well, hell, wrong: obviously Spaemann does need! ) to posit a glorious Ontological Argument, though it´s nifty, neat to be risking : ” I am, therefore You will be!” or, its reversing inversion: ” I will be, therefore You are!” ( I´ll be silent, of course, about ” I shall be Who shall be!” Never know where I´d finish down that slope )
Look, supposing that my new ” VARIATIONS ON MYSELF” for Chamber Orchestra is played in Limerick Cathedral ( – oh, it will be? Yes! ), well then, a nano-second or so after that “event”, it will have been played in Limerick Cathedral. And my second last sentence will have come true, will be true, is even now ( raindrops spatter ) true.
Is that all ? No tensing up. Apparently language today´s not up to a whole lot. It would appear that all kinds of future sentences are in trouble this Christmas, I´m really asserting that ? – Galloping, goofy ontology with the goose on the shining table, that it ?

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