Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


GPA GROUP LTD. Jan. 30 1989. Executive Vice-President
Seán Donlon to the ( then ) Irish FULBRIGHT Commission:
” I have known Professor Frank Corcoran since etc. and have followed his career etc. etc.
not least because he has succeeded in breaking new ground abroad for Irish musical achievement…. ”

20.Feb.1990. BOSTON COLLEGE. Prof. Mícheál ´O Súilleabháin.

” Dear Professor Corcoran, We would be delighted if you would visit us here in BC to give a seminar in composition…. ”

JOHN HARBISON ” Dear Frank, There is a kind of job-search going on at the New England ….. ” 1990 .

PARIS June 2. 1975 : RTE and the International Rostrum of Composers UNESCO: Frank Corcoran: ” Medieval Irish Epigrammes ” for RTE Radio Choir ( then the ” RTE Singers “. Cond. by Hans Waldemar Rosen. )

Roma 1968 . Prof. Roberto Masi della Università Lateranense : 26.9.68.
” Ho il piacere di presentare e raccomendare lo studente FRANCIS CORCORAN che ha seguioto i miei corsi alla Università lateranense , negli anni 1964-67 …. alla Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst. ”

Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg-Austria . The Director:
” Frank Corcoran was a Fellow at Session 189 ( ” Musical Ideas and Musical Institutions” – 22. April till 5. May. 1979 ) of the SALZBURG SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES.

Romae 28. Sept. 1968. Prof. Ferdinandus LAMBRUSCHINI , Ordinarius Theologiae Moralis in Pont. Universitate Lateranensi ROMA ) :
” Admodum Reverende Domine Francisce Corcoran, Litteris die 20 sept. datis, commendationem a me petisti ut ab adsociatione , vulgo Deutschen Akademischen Austausch ( – sic ! ) stipendia studiorum habere valeas ad curriculum theologicum in Germania perficiendum. proh dolor tantummodo hesterna die litteras tuas accepi, at spero responsionem meam tempestivam adhuc ese. Revera perlibenter testimonium tibi reddo de tuis qualitatibus intelligentiae ac voluntatis simulque de optima scientifica actuositate in addiscentis theologicis disciplinis, prout potui constatare perdurante quadriennio 1964 – 67 apud nostra Pontificiam Universitatem Lateranensem….. ”

IRISH INDEPENDENT . 1. May 1981, ” Vienna to hear Irish symphony: Tipperary-born composer, Frank Corcoran, who will in the space of a few days lecture on contemporary Irish music at the International Symposium of the WORLD MUSIC DAYS AT BRUSSELS and have two of his works played at concerts on Sunday and Tuesday at Brussels…. ”

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