Mad bishop, Patrick,
He baptized all iguanas,
Penguins, too; lemmings !
Sent: Fri, Mar 17, 2017 8:04 pm
Subject: Re: Frank Corcoran Sár Haikíúadóir na Sleibhte
Patrick was hard stuff
Hard his slave’s pig and sheep stick
Yet he died crying
Cruach Phádraig –
fanann na seandéithe
glan uirthi
Covered their faces
On fasting Patrick´s Mountain
Noone wants old gods
It is a black wind
High up on Cruach Phádraig
Those gods´ faces cut
Swoosh down the mountain
Cowed gods, beaten, forgotten
By the newly washed
Adze-head Patrick
Whacked the mountain with his stick
All gods ran away ( F. Mac Culo )