Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


No vipers as yet – too washed, too sunless, too cold. Wackly
dangerous this May and June Alto Lazio climate. Wacky. Still, they – if shy – bite ( – only if etc. ).
Perusing Anthony Braxton, Paul Celan´s ” Leuchten im weit / Wie so weit…. “, Imperialism , A Study, C. Venter´s “The Meaning Of Life”, Massimo Terni´s great and beautiful “LO STATO “, Lutoslawsky´s “Pop” Music of the breadless fifties, Cartesian: ” Cogito ergo sum / Cogitatum ergo cogitationes” , and especially ” Si Deus est Deus, Deus est ! ” or Crossan The Spirit Of Things ” on Australian Radio… etc.
Write Bach fugues just after dawn, carpenter the odd Chorale Variations as muscle-training ; shape the line, musical muscle, that Baroque counterpoint as Olympic athletics. Watch Vatican and Vaticanologists, still damp vipers in washed out Lazio.
Wait for it.

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Home > Listings > National Museum Cardiff National Museum Cardiff
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All Listings for National Museum Cardiff
National Museum Cardiff
The museum houses collections including Welsh, Italian and Dutch art from 1500-1700, ceramics and natural history galleries.
WhenTue-Sun, Bank Hols 10am-5pmGenreLeisure – musCostfree
A Lost House And Landscape: Margam In About 1700
Historical topographical paintings depicting the largest country house in Glamorgan that was created from the domestic buildings of the Cistercian abbey, and demolished around 1790.
WhenTue-Sun 10am-5pm, closed Dec 25 & 26, Jan 1, ends Oct 1GenreArts – noneCostfree
Pop And Abstract
Contemporary paintings highlighting the influence of the American art scene of the 1960s on post-War Britain, featuring works by artists including Peter Blake, Alan Davie, David Hockney, Bridget Riley, Ken Elias, Mali Morris, John Selway and Ernest Zobole.
WhenTue-Sun 10am-5pm, ends Sep 1GenreArts – noneCostfree
Holly Davey: Nothing Is What It Is Because Everything Is What It Isn’t
Site-specific photographic installation piece commissioned by the Museum to transform the stairwell area. Created by one of Wales’ leading contemporary artists using photography to question our understanding of spaces.
WhenTue-Sun 10am-5pm, ends Sep 1GenreArts – noneCostfree
Julian Stair: Quietus: The Vessel, Death And The Human Body
Contemporary ceramic vessels exploring rituals of death and burial around the world.
WhenFrom Apr 6, Tue-Sun 10am-5pm, ends Jul 7GenreArts – noneCostfree
The Eric And Jean Cass Collection
Contemporary and avant-garde paintings, prints and ceramics by international artists including Karel Appel, Joan Miro, Patrick Caulfield and John Hoyland.
WhenFrom May 4, Tue-Sun 10am-5pm, ends Jul 21GenreArts – noneCostfree
Picturing Castles
Watercolour paintings, drawings and prints from the 1670s to the 1860s, celebrating Wales’ many castles, by artists including Henry Gastineau, Paul Sandby, Thomas Girtin and Richard Wilson.
WhenFrom May 25, Tue-Sun 10am-5pm, ends Sep 29GenreArts – noneCostfree
Pots From The Past: Workshop
Pottery workshop inspired by ancient ceramics.
WhenMon-Sun 11am-4pmGenreSpecial – famCostfree
Fossil Fanatics
Discover dinosaurs, ammonites and trilobites in the Evolution of Wales gallery.
WhenMay 27-31, 11am, 1pm & 3pmGenreSpecial – famCostfree, ticketed
Robin Baggs
The organist performs a classical recital.
WhenMay 31, 1pmGenreGigs – classCostfree
In Other Spaces: The Sensitivity Between Ceramics And Sites: Talk
With senior curator James Beighton.
WhenJun 7, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree, ticketed
Castles Field Trip To West Wales: Guided Tour
Visit the sites feature in the Picturing Castles exhibition.
WhenJun 12, phone for timesGenreSpecial – noneCostphone for prices
Art Lunchtime Talk: Shirley Jones
The artist discusses her work.
WhenJun 14, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree, ticketed
Behind The Scenes: Art: Guided Tour

WhenJun 18, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – noneCostfree, ticketed
All At Sea: Learning How To Make A Bronze Age Sewn Plank Boat: Talk
With Dr Linda Hurcombe, University of Exeter.
WhenJun 19, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree, ticketed
Private Presses In Wales: Talk
With librarian John Kenyon.
WhenJun 21, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree, ticketed
Horsetails: The Curse Of The Gardener Or An Evolutionary Miracle?: Talk
A talk by Dr Chris Cleal.
WhenJun 26, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree, ticketed
Lunchtime Talk: Food Security: From Global To Local
Professor Denis Murphy introduces this topical subject.
WhenJun 27, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree, ticketed
Relf Clark
The organist gives a classical recital.
WhenJun 28, 1pmGenreGigs – classCostfree
The Henry Stopes Collection: A Victorian’s Passion For Flint: Talk
With Elizabeth Walker.
WhenJul 3, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Not A Tropical Paradise: Insect Pests Of Our Food: Talk
With Dr Mike Wilson.
WhenJul 4, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Nothing Is What It Is Because Everything Is What It Isn’t: Talk
Artist Holly Davey talks about her new photographic installation.
WhenJul 5, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Slugs: Can We Forgive Them?: Talk
With Dr Ben Rowson.
WhenJul 11, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
The Exhibition Picturing Castles: Talk
Beth McIntyre and Charlotte Topsfield discuss the exhibition.
WhenJul 12, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Archaeopasts 2013 Conference
Exploring the Bronze Age world of the Mold Cape.
WhenJul 13, 10am-5pmGenreSpecial – litCost£5, child/NUS free, concs £4
Ancient Metalworking Workshops
Learn the techniques and skills of a Bronze Age gold-worker.
WhenJul 14, 2pm-4.30pmGenreSpecial – noneCost£10
Behind The Scenes: Art: Guided Tour

WhenJul 16, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – noneCostfree
Meet The Curator Tour: Bronze Age Bonus!
Find out how to record artefacts and talk to staff.
WhenJul 16 & 17, 1pm-1.45pm, call ahead for bank holiday opening information.GenreSpecial – noneCostfree
Food Self-Sufficiency: Present Day Potential And Lessons From History, Particularly Wwii: Talk
With Amber Wheeler.
WhenJul 18, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Keith Vaughan: A Life In Notebooks And Drawings: Talk
This talk looks Vaughan’s preoccupation with the representation of the nude and pictorial space as well as with poetry and sex.
WhenJul 19, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Ancient Metalworking Workshops
Learn the techniques and skills of a Bronze Age gold-worker.
WhenJul 23, 10am-12.30pmGenreSpecial – noneCost£10
Keith Vaughan: The Sense Of Touch: Talk
Simon Pierse examines correspondences between image and text and explores the dichotomy of Vaughan’s sensual yet inhibited character.
WhenJul 26, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Organ Recital
A selection of popular classical works are performed.
WhenJul 26, 1pmGenreGigs – classCostfree
Beans on Toast Family Workshop
An opportunity to join in the activities looking at the food we eat.
WhenFrom Jul 27, Mon-Sun 11am, 1pm, 3pm, ends Aug 4GenreSpecial – famCostfree
Wales’s Creature Collections And The Family Tree Of Life: Talk
With Dr Ben Rowson.
WhenJul 31, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Volcanoes That Go Up And Down: Talk
A family friendly talk about volcanoes with Helen Kerbey, Department of Geology.
WhenAug 28, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Organ Recital
A selection of popular classical works are performed.
WhenAug 30, 1pmGenreGigs – classCostfree
Quoits And Dolmens: Pembrokeshire Neolithic Tombs And Excavations At Carreg Coetan: Talk
With Dr Sian Rees.
WhenSep 4, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
An Introduction To Visions Of Mughal India: The Collection Of Howard Hodgkin: Talk
With Dr Andrew Topsfield.
WhenSep 6, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Rajasthani Paintings In The Hodgkin Collection: Talk
With Dr Rosemary Crill.
WhenSep 13, 1.05pmGenreSpecial – litCostfree
Emma Coulthard, Philip Heyman, Michael Mccartney
The group performs Frank Corcoran’s 7 Cubist Miniatures For Cardiff and other chamber works.
When : Sep 15, 1pm. Genre: Gigs –

TU – BERLIN Elektronisches Studio . Internationale Dokumentation EM

Frank Corcoran geb. 1944 in Tipperary Irland. Studierte in Dublin (alte Sprachen, Philosophie), Rom (Theologie , Gregorianik und Renaissance-Musik) und Berlin (Meisterschüler von Boris Blacher). 1971-79 Music Inspector beim Irischen Erziehungsministerium. 1980 Stipendiat des Berliner Künstlerprogramms . 1981 Gastprofessor an der HdK Berlin. 1982 Professor in Stuttgart, seit 1983 an der Hamburger Musikhochschule. 1989-90 Fulbright-Professor in den USA und Gastdozent in CalArts, Harvard, Wisconsin, Boston, New York und Indiana. Seit 1983 ist Frank Corcoran Mitglied der Irischen AdK.
Balthasars Traum 1980
Sweeney’s Vision 1997
Sweeney’s letztes Gedicht, Sweeney’s Farewell 1997/98
Tradurre – Tradire 2004


Haikus in der Kathedrale: Frank Corcoran erhält den Seán Ó Riada Preis 2012

(nmz) – Ein substanzielles Sujet für zeitgenössische Chormusik zu finden, erfordert ein Sensorium für Stimmen und stimmhafte Befindlichkeiten. Zumal in sakraler Umgebung, zumal im katholisch, aber eben auch keltisch geprägten Irland. Da findet Musik manchmal in musikalischen Zwischenwelten statt. So beim Cork International Choral Festival mit dem Seán Ò Riada Composition Competition.
02.05.2012 – Von Hans-Dieter Grünefeld

” HER DAPPLE IS AT AN END! ” Gerard Manly Hopkins

Take your choice:
CORCORAN´S CRAZY LIST OF TEN WORKS ( in no apparent order… ) :

1. Quasi Una Missa. Electronic . WDR commission 1999. Won that 2002 Swedish EMS Prize… Uses over 2000 years of Irish God-texts … on CD

2. Music for the book of Kells . 5 Percussion and Irish Pianist. 1990 U.S.A. U W M commission. CD

3. ” Quasi Una Sarabande ” for 8 instruments. Swiss “Antipodes” commission for Basle, Zürich, Berne . 2009. Swiss Radio recording. CD

4. Clarinet Quintet. 2011 RTE commission. Vanbrugh CD

5. ” Variations On Myself” New York North / South commission , Max Lifchitz cond., ( chamber orchestra ) for 2013 March 14 premiere.

6. ” Trauerfelder ” for 5 percussion ( you know this ) – 50 years of liberation ( Is there a ? ) from Auschwitz . Hamburg Kultursenatorin.

7. ” Quasi Una Fuga” for 18 Strings. Irish Chamber Orchestra / Anthony Marwood. 1997 Shannon Festival, Limerick Cathedral premiere rec.

8. “Eight Haikus” for Choir SS AA TT BB to texts by Frank Corcoran. Won the 2013 International Federation for Choral Music First Prize Outright.

( premiere Oct. 5 2013 by Manila Madrigal Singers / Mark Anthony Carpio )

9. VIOLIN CONCERTO ( N.S.O. / Christopher Warren-Green / Alan Smale ) Dublin RTE 2.11.2012 rec. )

10. PIANO TRIO ( 1976 Sender Freies Berlin premiere / Concorde – almost 40 years later , my 12.3.2013 Zagreb Biennale MIGHTY Croation
triumphant CD )


I brood. Try to bear. Attempt the birth of this, my new Corcoran composition for 13 strings.

Four first ( – why ” first ” ) violins, four second violins, only two stalwart violas, two celli and

one bass. Good, solve the first things, my little Corcoran ´s Row and its derivative

trellis-work. My polyphony. Great and tiny , slippery or noble intervals.

Stringy colours,,, chalemeux , toffee, ice-cream of yoghurt, nuts, Mushrooms of Paradiso.


It´s only human to want to twist that cock´s cock well before Aurora sneaks up on this day dawning.
Bits of sticky sleep – my eye tries to see itself ! ( Which tones to organize on this, my bright day ? )
Five dogs or seven snarl in the cold evening air ! ( Which´ll I strangle first ? ) No, I´m eternally unsatisfied with my violin bowings. Apparently I am ” I ” ; but yesterday ? Tomorrow?
Pink is now reddening – apparently there is a world out there , dogs, loud cock-a-doodle-do about little. Go back to sleep ? Out and fine-tune the string-bowings ?
Morning birds chitter.


2003 Radio Berlin Brandenburg MUSIK DER GEGENWART

Radiophonic Portrait FRANK CORCORAN

2011 Bayerischer Rundfunk IRLAND ABEND