Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


It is not easy. Gets worse all the time.Take how I am currently finishing my Piccolo Quartetto Filarmonico ( using doublebass, cello, viola and violin ), trying to find – with the infinite patience of a good dentist with root-treatment – my “Grossform” , this one-movement’s overall form and the relations between the parts and each other and with the whole . One tiny wrong move and the delicate balance is gone….  the non-coordinated bits and the barred bits, smeared 4-voiced passages played as fast as possible against metric music, my work opening out or narrowing in on a focal tone (  –  yet, never neo-tonal ) or two. That is still my problem , to hear what I see on the hot summery manuscript paper, Don’t let up. No self or self-imitation ( cheap ) allowed.

Programme: Mary Kelly Aislingí I, II, & III (2012) – premiere John Kinsella Allegro Giocoso (1966) from The Irish Harp Book David Bremner Pool (2010) James Wilson Sonata for harp (1998) Brian Boydell Triptych I, II, III (1989) Anne-Marie O’Farrell Chromatétude (2015) – premiere Gráinne Mulvey Exploration (2001) – premiere Frank Corcoran In the Deep Heart’s Core (2011) Anne-Marie O’Farrell Amplétude (2012) About Anne-Marie O’Farrell Composer and harpist Anne-Marie O’Farrell has received many national and international awards for original composition. An honours BA and BMus graduate of UCD, she was awarded a first class honours MA in Composition from the NUI Maynooth. She is currently undertaking doctoral studies in composition at Queen’s University, Belfast u


Mary Kelly             Aislingí I, II, & III (2012) – premiere

John Kinsella         Allegro Giocoso (1966) from The Irish Harp Book

David Bremner      Pool (2010)

James Wilson        Sonata for harp (1998)

Brian Boydell         Triptych I, II, III (1989)

Anne-Marie O’Farrell   Chromatétude (2015) – premiere

Gráinne Mulvey      Exploration (2001) – premiere

Frank Corcoran      In the Deep Heart’s Core (2011)

Anne-Marie O’Farrell   Amplétude (2012)

About Anne-Marie O’Farrell

Composer and harpist Anne-Marie O’Farrell has received many national and international awards for original composition.  An honours BA and BMus graduate of UCD, she was awarded a first class honours MA in Composition from the NUI Maynooth.  She is currently undertaking doctoral studies in composition at Queen’s University, Belfast under Professor Piers Hellawell.  She has composed for a variety of instrumental and vocal media, and her compositions are featured on the higher examination grades of conservatory syllabuses around the world including the Royal Conservatory of Canada, the UK’s Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, Trinity College London, and the RIAM.  She lectures in composition at the DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama and her research project, Composers in the Community, with DIT colleague Dr Lorraine O’Connell was awarded a DIT Teaching Fellowship Grant, and the resulting research is due for immanent publication.  She is the winner of the BBC Baroque Remixed composition competition with her orchestral work, Rann Dó Trí, which was performed by the BBC Concert Orchestra conducted by Charles Hazlewood at London’s Roundhouse and broadcast live on BBC Radio 3.  Her choral work, Skimming Stones, has been recorded by the BBC Singers and was premiered in St Paul’s, Knightsbridge in London for a live BBC Radio 3 broadcast.  Numerous and wide ranging commissions include Deis Arts Council funding for the writing of original score of Cailleach: The Wilder Wisdom of Auld Ones with actor and storyteller Nuala Hayes. Her solo clarinet work, Ruach is featured on Volume 8 of the Contemporary Music Centre’s New Music from Ireland performed by Deirdre O’Leary. She is regularly invited to give lecture recitals, workshops and masterclasses at festivals around the world in addition to presenting regularly at international conferences and acting as jury member for harp competitions.  As a prolific recording artist, she has issued several album, the most recent being Duopoly with Cormac De Barra. She has been appointed AEPE Composer in Residence at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick in association with the Lime Tree Theater and funded by the Arts Council.


IN  THE  DEEP HEART’S  CORE     ( May 31 Dublin  AIC CONCERT, Anne-Marie O’Farrel, Harp  )

My short Harp Solo pits the instrument’s low strings against its ethereal high ones. The opening fortissimo music generates  the whole thing , including the final high thoughts of this miniature art-work . In writing for this great an-orchestra-all-in-one-instrument my duty as a composer must be to avoid the merely ornamental, the beautiful ( but too often cheesey )  clichees of 19th. c. harp compositions, the merely lovely sheen of their glissandis and their ultimately boring middle range. ( Stravinsky rehabilitated the instrument with his pale low tones in that  little Tombeau for Fuerst Fuerstenberg.  ) No tired rhetoric  but stern compression. The title of course also recalls the harp’s Irish past, coming from W.B.Yeats’s 1890 minor masterpiece , ” The Lake-Isle Of Inishfree” ,
in which the young exile hears in London  the “low sounds lapping by the shore” of his Co. Sligo idyll, Lough Gill.
Yes. he hears it ” in the deep heart’s core”. I,too, hear it.



I am pleased.

Festschrift Frank Corcoran will appear soon. Very. Memory lane and archiving against time, forgetting, deadly indifference. Nobody wants to die.

In completing the new Piccolo Quartetto Filarmonico ( – uses also a double bass ) I pit high against low, the metred against the polymetred, the spattered against the tightly controlled. Good disparate stuff has to be – as always- united and heard to generate the different parts until it is all “used up ” .

I was into this of course nearly forty years ago. Tough struggle. Bore fruit in my 1977 PIANO TRIO and WIND QUINTET.

I am pleased.


His beautiful, bony fingers articulate, his four plus four bars make eight Irish traditional bars. The drone bass – or its cleverly placed absence , these build the heard form for Tony Macmahon’s  right-hand pleading , his hymning, high linear gasps and plaintive, plain( Co. Clare )  chanting , the old Irish harpers’ pre-Schubertian airs, monumental architectural a la A A B B , a strong ascent, trembling trellis-work above, their lovely descent. Frank Corcoran’s Second Law Of Slow Airs’ Thermodynamics.

For years I – as an Irish composer –  I’ve heard breathlessly  Tony’s melodic tracery; – all its delicate, ornamented phrasing. Or take his humility ,  a few buttons to sing the  bass line .  Rock-like.Rock-

Tony MacMahon’s  “Sean O Duibhir An Ghleanna” is a masterpiece of Naive Art – its native singing , his box wind-music  from my  beaten race. I myself have tried to approach its symmetry.  Many times.

Track Four then , ” The Wounded Hussar ” , is something quite other – minor becomes  major . Tony MacMahon’s Picardy Third wings . Bony work great !



The Dutch Radio Concertzender broadcasts  Frank Corcoran’s new  CELLO

CONCERTO  (  RTE Lyric recording of  March 13  Dublin  National Symphony

Orchestra  /  Kenneth Montgomery / Martin Johnston , Soloist  )  on:

Sunday April 19 2015  between 17.00  and  18.00  .


So what will it bring , this new Pratoleva year ?

Schott will publish my choral EIGHT HAIKUS which won the 2013 International Forum For Choral Music  Premier Prix.

Other choral works will sound, the human breath.

( But of course the human body and breath is also fully there in a Corcoran orchestral or chamber work, strain , aim, polish, energy, shaped musical strength aching to be born, sound as thought and conceived and incarnate. )

Festschrift Frank Corcoran will appear.


Another year near hill-top Celleno and clear April sunny skies. The nights are cold still. New energy stirring.

I finished the six Irish Duets for Cello and Piano, short settings of some of the loveliest  Irish Slow Airs “ar an sean n’os ”  known to me  :  Im Aonar Seal, Na Conneries, Sean O Duibhir An Ghleanna, A Mhairin De Barra, A Una Bhain  1.  and  2. These six are among the finest we have; in each  great expressive power is unleashed in  fine architectural trellis-work. Four lines in each , A B B A  , beautifully balanced. The perfection of a Schubert Lied. Voila !

These settings are neither neo-romantic nor kitsch nor minimalistic nor neo-Bart’ok but rather vintage Corcoran. Each captures the significant motif of the “amhran” in question . The piano is a wash of orchestral colour, of course . The cello surges. I keep the wildness, ornamentation;  melodic ” multa in parvis”. Not a note too much. Not a sigh, an ascent – descent, an apoggiatura without high voltage.