Music comes from money . False ? Well, all the institutions that carry it along do. Not the lonely creative flame, no. But its transformation into performances, image-making, the baking of the cake, music as ware, yes. ( ” – Give me enough money and I will create your musical canon and its musical icons, siftings and evaluation procedures and canonisation , recognition, life or death in or of a musical tradition…. I can thus make or break. – Give me! ” ). Is marketing, then, all? Well,no. No. After all you can’t buy imagination or courage or moral strength or a good composer’s good will-power, can you ? Well, let’s confuse the categories and muddy the waters and confound creating with making a quick buck ? Launch bad or good quality works ? Fiddle the definitions ? Manipulate . Money matters. But not in the long run. Who’s ?
8 IRISH DUETTI for Cello and Piano
Tuirseacht an earraigh an leisciúileacht seo ? Pigrizia ottima an anaim,
ar lorg mothúcháin nua . Chun saothar NUA ( Caithréid Téadanna ? Nó ionstramiocht na 5 TENORLIEDER – ach le h- aghaidh WAS ? ! )
a thosnú ?
Rud “NUA” – ní ath-chothaint an dinnéir a bhí againn inné atá mé ag ( agus ar ) lorg.
An SMAOINEAMH nua. Imní orm faoin bhfoirm ? Gan dabht -rithimí agus dathanna; ach an chéad rud ná AN FHOIRM .
M.Sh. 13 caibidil gearra na dtéadanna ? Gach pictiúr go speisialta ; tá s agam, an téama ” Miniature” , níl sé gan baol ar bith .
Cé s maoite é seo, an té nach bhfuil láidir ( mar chumadóir ) , ní mór do bheith
ioldathach ; misneach; moráltach; suim aige sna plainéidí nua.
Radioart a elektroakustická hudba z Irska #1
repríza ze 7. února 2009
Robet Darroll died last May in Berlin.
In those terrible ( for me ) nineties in Hamburg I´d loved Robert´s KOREAN TRILOGY. (- His MOE´S FIELD was just beginning to break new, revolutionary ground ), their thousands of individual, hand-painted Darroll pictures singly filmed, sequenced, super-imposed, kineticized, Robert´s delightful play of and with
these images; a dot becomes a line, an angle, a fish, a budding flower, a leaping river, an ocean, his moving art as poetical in the very best sense, as his Gestalt / narrating logic directed his flow and each little film became a more that minr masterpiece, a hymn to Horace´s delight in play and form with those mutating images.
With Robert´s departure from Hamburg for Tokyo in 2001 something very precious hurt.
His early death in May brought no closure, no peace except the Unanswered Question.
I plod on. Certainly, to search is to find form, musical form too.
As in Robert Darroll´s art, also a composer can transmute, solder, forge, fuse motivs, ideas, rhythms, colours, musical masses and lines ; his play and delight and self-delight, his the creator´s freedom. No bad thing, Robert Darroll, your KOREAN TRILOGY ( and much later, your other praised and prized works ) will live on .
Back to business, Horace. Kinetic excellence, Frank. Tonally moving forms, Hanslick.
It is a fish. Is it ?
New works by Frank Corcoran performed in Italy this summer
Frank Corcoran, who divides his time between Hamburg and Italy, will introduce two concerts in Orvieto in Umbria and Bolsena featuring his work.
The performers are three of Frank’s friends from the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra – cellist Martin Johnson, violist Adele Johnson, and pianist Fergal Caulfield.
The programme will include piano trios from Schubert, Brahms, David Popper, and the first three movements from Frank Corcoran’s new work, 8 Irish Duets for Cello and Piano. Based on Irish slow airs, the composer describes them as being, “neither neo-romantic settings, nor neo-Bartok, nor neo-minimalist and yet neo-Corcoran.”
The concerts take place at the Teatro Mancinelli, Orvieto, on 31 July, and a similar programme in Bolsena’s Piccolo Teatro Cavour on 2 August.
In other news, a book on the composer entitled Festschrift Frank Corcoran and edited by Hans Dieter Gruenefeld will be launched this autumn in Dublin.
2. 8. 2015. Piccolo Teatro Cavour Bolsena Ore 21.15
Frank Corcoran ( 1944 ) Canto Irlandese : “Sean O Duibhir An Ghleanna” ( violoncello e pianoforte )
Schubert Arpeggione sonate in a minor D 821Frank Corcoran Variazioni su “A Mhairin De Barra ” per Viola Solo
Frank Corcoran Canto Irlandese ” A Mhairin De Barra ”
Frank Corcoran Canto Irlandese : ” A Una Bhain 2. ” ( Violoncello e pianoforte )
( Musica di Finale per TRIO – un canto di mistero ….. A Delightful Surprise )
Catalog Nr. ALEA 1124
Frank Corcoran ( 2011 ) A DARK SONG for Bass Clarinet
ALEA PUBLISHING Tacoma, Washington, USA
How write boiling tones, I wonder ? Neo-con music? Post-liberal sonatinas? When is my music too cold ? Too jagged? Too shattered and splattered ? Nerd-symphonic? Not enough market-oriented? Pure? Art pour, God-‘ elp-us, l’art? Tones as my ware, hard-ware, soft-ware? Hard sell ? Hard to sell ? No sell-out stylistically? ( Sell thyself, tone-smith ? ) Shall the sciences win after all, is that it ?
Fans flapping ; I love the cooler shade now . Uncork the mere Falernian, praise the Roman poet in Horace’s cool villa, his “straining” ( ODES 1. 13 ) his cooled whites in this hellish July; oh yes, his conceals great art, the best, the artefacted, his finished polish. Salute him. Great.
How compose eight bars in these temperatures ? Seven ? The crazed cricket sings this hot evening , el grillo in the cooler mornings. Of lust in the Sahara heat.
This afternoon will bring the cooler venticello and a cold glass. The problem of building musical form isn’t going away. ( ” I have my opening ! Hooray|” )
Yes, my EIGHT HAIKUS will appear with Schott of Mainz. Yes, my FESTSCHRIFT FRANK CORCORAN will appear in Hamburg. Yes, my IRISH DUETS for Cello and Piano will be premiered at the Teatro Mancinelli , Orvieto, and at the Piccolo Teatro Cavour, hot end of this hot month. Yes, yes, un poco this and un poco that to keep the hot pen dancing, – best in the early cool morning hours. Even a Sahara composer must keep to the regime , must hone the imagination and, ahem, technique , spinning, moving and mixing fiery, hot tones with cooler, – yes, building sounding castles in this empty , breathless air. Dogs and curlews keep a low profile. Dormant snakes, no.