Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Search Results for: frank corcoran (13)

Broadcast: 19/04/2015 17:00
Muziek van Frank Corcoran en Witold Lutoslawski. – Frank Corcoran Cello concert Martin Johnson, cello en het National Symphony Orchestr…

Broadcast: 01/02/2013 16:00
Nieuwe cd’s met Nieuwe Muziek. Vandaag o.a. de Nederlandse radio première van Frank Corcoran’s nieuwe vioolconcert. (nog niet op cd versch…

Broadcast: 25/04/2011 23:00
Muziek van Frank Corcoran, Gavin Bryars, Martijn Padding en Zhou Long. – Frank Corcoran. Quasi una Fuga. Irish Chanber Orchestra olv. Anthon…

Broadcast: 17/03/2008 07:00
St. Patricks Day! Op 17 maart vieren de Ieren feest. Overal ter wereld worden optochten georganiseerd en wordt er gedanst en gezongen, ter …

Broadcast: 12/02/2007 07:00
Nieuwe muziek. 07:00 1. Owe Walter. La guitarra. 2. Leo Brouwer. Tres apuntes. 3. Wim Hendrickx. In deep silence. Raphaella Smits, gi…

Broadcast: 25/12/2006 18:00
Nieuwe Muziek n.a.v. Actuele gebeurtenissen. Contemporary Music from Ireland. Elk jaar rond Kerstmis verschijnt er een cd-sampler met een …

Broadcast: 18/09/2006 01:00
EBU concerten. 01:00 Een opname van Radio Rusland. De pianist Alexander Bakchiev speelt werken van Anton Arensky, Anatoli Liadov & I…

Broadcast: 17/02/2006 00:00
00:00 Johnson, Robert . 1. Fantasia. 2. The gipsies’ dance. 3. As I walked forth. 4. Where the bee sucks. 5. Gallyard (My Lady mildmay?…

Broadcast: 19/07/2005 01:00
Om te beginnen de blazers sectie Saxo Panico, verder o.m. hedendaagse Ierse muziek, werken van Isang Yun en The Amsterdam Percussion Group. …

Broadcast: 02/11/2004 01:00
Om te beginnen Amerikaanse werken van Beaser, Tower, Riley, Liebermann , Schickele en Amy Beach; verder o.m. muziek van Richard Ayres, Fran…

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Sound And Music

Dear Frank,

I have now added the videos and audio excepts from the

‘Different Voices’ page to your profile. You can view your profile



My new little solo cello miniature,  Rhapsodietta Joyceana, uses the tone names in ” James” and “Joyce” to get the fun rolling , its A E Es ( = E flat , of course, in German ) C and Cis ( = C sharp );  5 -tone music to mirror Joyce’s thrilling , lyrical lines, their throb and audacity and springiness and silly impudence, snide slyness, hiding high seriousness.

A tiny tribute . Rhapsodic , being wrapped up in their own 5 – tone play, saying something mighty high. “Joycean”, a much maligned adjective today. Still.

The Contemporary Music Centre announces New York premiere by Irish composer, Frank Corcoran 14 March 2011
March will be a busy month for Irish composer Frank Corcoran. His Imagine Ireland 14 March concert in New York will feature the world-premiere of his new Songs of Terror and Love for Bass, David Salisbery Fry and the North South Consonance Ensemble under Conductor Max Lifchitz, at Church of Christ and St. Stephen on 69th. Street, Manhattan.

Frank Corcoran’s work Songs of Terror and Love to texts by Jacopone Da Todi for bass voice and Pierrot Ensemble was composed in 2010 in Todi, a delightful little Medieval Italian town not far from the Tiber river.

Corcoran was born in Tipperary and studied in Dublin, Maynooth, Rome and Berlin with Boris Blacher. He was the first Irish composer to have his ‘Symphony No. 1’ (1980) premiered in Vienna. Since 1983 he has been professor of composition and theory in the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Hamburg. Awards include Studio Akustische Kunst First Prize 1996 for his ‘Joycepeak Music’ (1995), Premier Prix at the 1999 Bourges International Electro-acoustic Music Competition for his composition ‘Sweeney’s Vision’ (1997) and, more recently, the 2002 Swedish EMS Prize for ‘Quasi Una Missa’ (1999). CDs of his music have been released on the Black Box, Marco Polo, Col-Legno, Wergo, Wergo, Composers’ Art, IMEB-Unesco, Zeitklang and Caprice labels. Frank Corcoran is a founding member of Aosdána, Ireland’s state-sponsored academy of creative artists.
The North South Consonance Ensemble is an American chamber ensemble dedicated to the performance of contemporary/classical from the Americas. It was founded in 1980 and is based in New York City. It is directed by the pianist and composer Max Lifchitz who is also the ensemble’s founder. The ensemble has performed over 850 different works by composers from around the world and has released many CDs on its own label, North/South Recordings.

In addition The Gregg Smith Singers will record Corcoran´s  newest choral score  Eight Haikus for  Choir on 15 March in New York.  Gregg Smith, who will be eighty at the end of the year, has with his Gregg Smith Singers been a legend in American music these last forty years. He and they have worked with Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Eliot Carter and made legendary recordings of new and old choral music.

The Contemporary Music Centre is Ireland’s national archive, resource centre and promotional body for new music, supporting the work of Irish composers from the Republic and Northern Ireland. Frank Corcoran is a composer registered with the Centre. The Centre is supported by the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.


For further information on Frank Corcoran, the Contemporary Music Centre and Irish composers contact Karen Hennessy, Promotion Manager, The Contemporary Music Centre, 19 Fishamble Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 6731922 Email web site



Notes for Editors


St Patrick’s Day Gala
Part of Imagine Ireland
Suppported by Culture Ireland


8pm, Monday, March 14, 2011


Songs of Terror and Love  Frank Corcoran
Moto Perpetuo  Liviu Marinescu
Anticipation  Howard Quilling
Fairy Tale  Moon Young Ha
David Salsbery Fry, bass-baritone
Max Lifchitz, conductor
The North/South Consonance Ensemble


Christ and St. Stephen’s Church
120 West 69th Street (between Broadway & Columbus),
New York City



High octane, high electric ; my works do aim at highest targets, high result, high effects intended.

Take my recent 9 miniature Duets for Cello and Piano ( 2015 ) and their ( legitimate ? ) use of 8 of our greatest Irish Slow Airs ….  Mixolydian, sarabande – derived, A B B A architectural form mostly. Dare I ? Should I?  Touch linear ( and anti-harmonic, anti European )  and ornamented perfection ?

High octane; my cello is a sean nos singer, the piano is my orchestra.  Aim high. Higher.


Morgen Frank!

Your  stunning choral score EIGHT  HAIKUS  for SS AA TT BB

( It won the 2013 IFCM  First Prize Outright  )

is now published by Schott and will be presented at

in Dortmund!  ( 1. – 4. October )

Better come over, beer is on me. Dortmunder Bier . Best. Stark….




I weigh it in my hand, handsome, feisty Festschrift Frank Corcoran.

Festschrift At Seventy           ( Hans-Dieter Gruenefeld editor ).



2015.   ISBN 978 – 3 – 00 – 050153 – 1

Euros  24.95


Check with Amazon and Contemporary Music Centre Dublin.

The Book Of Tipperary ( not Kells ) . ” An Leabhar Mor “.




This weekend at Orvieto ( Teatro Mancinelli ) and Bolsena ( Piccolo Teatro Cavour ) it was high wire acrobatics and high octane music on the piano and viola and cello as my three great Dublin musicians from the N.S.O. of Ireland played for me three of my new Irish Duets , SEAN O DUIBHIR AN GHLEANNA, A MHAIRIN DE BARRA and UNA BHAIN, plus Schubert and Popper and my Viola Variaions and Brahms’s Piano Trio.

Highest standards of playing. Great heat; great music. The high hot shots on bowing and plucking and their keyboard hot, too. Molto speciale. Si.


Suoni d’Irlanda per Frank Corcoran a Orvieto e Bolsena

martedì 28 luglio 2015 19:29

Suoni d'Irlanda per Frank Corcoran a Orvieto e Bolsena

Due appuntamenti imperdibili per chi ama la musica classica e al contempo una grande occasione per celebrare uno dei massimi compositori irlandesi viventi che da alcuni anni ha deciso di trascorrere gran parte dell’anno nella campagna alle porte di Bagnoregio.

In onore di Frank Corcoran, nato a Tipperary nel 1944, tre solisti della National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland (Martin Johnson, Adele Johnson, Fergal Caulfield) eseguiranno musiche di Schubert, Popper, Brahms e dello stesso Corcoran in due date, la prima ad Orvieto, al Teatro Mancinelli venerdì 31 luglio alle ore 21:15.

La seconda a Bolsena, al Piccolo Teatro Cavour domenica 2 agosto alla stessa ora. Ad entrambi i concerti, sarà presente il maestro Corcoran.