Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


IMMA presents “In Conversation 3: The Composers”

March 2, 2011 by ditmdlibrary

On Sunday, 6th March Bernard Clarke from RTE Lyric fm will steer an open discussion between Irish composers Gerald Barry and Donnacha Dennehy on developments of music in Ireland in the 20th century. This event will take place in the IMMA lecture room in Kilmainham Jail. It is running in conjunction with the Moderns exhibition which featured work by Sean O’Riada, Derek Ball, Brian Boydell, Gerald Barry, Frank Corcoran, Raymond Deane and Seoirse Bodley.


” Not to be modest ( for a composer ) is ridiculous. ”

” Creative artists live in an ideal world, several hours a day…. The world in which we live, the “real” world, doesn´t really need us. ”

” I may have suffered in Poland but yet my music is independent, safe, isolated from that. We composers are messengers from an ideal world. “


As found in the Oxford Music Online encyclopedia (only accessible through


Corcoran has developed a distinct and complex language of aleatory

macro-counterpoint in which sound layers are superimposed polyphonically but

retain independence through distinctive polymetric, agogic and dynamic

indications. This technique is evident from the early Piano Trio (1978) to Ice

Etchings no.1 and Mad Sweeney (both 1996). His many cultural interests are

reflected in the texts of his vocal works; the opera Gilgamesh (1990), for

example, is based on a Sumerian epic. The Irische Mikrokosmoi for piano (1993)

are based on traditional Irish melodies and rhythms.


1. I referred above to ” Condae Mhuigheo ” as a parent cell. Behind it are many mutants.

2. “Against , the second element in Frank Corcoran´s Law, what I am calling the recital-tone or highest note . I appears in a number of guishes”

3. Irish Musicology ( ? ) , weep. – ” Caoin tú féin “.

4. ” 4. 11. 1991. ” MY father was – AT LEAST – his , ” his ” late eighties. My first symphony had been premiered in Vienna, 1981 ( O.R.F.Symphony Orchestra / Lothar Zagrosek ) .
” 25 Mount Alton, Knocklyon, Dublin 16, ”


” One of your letters mentioned the thologian, L. Boros. I tried to look him up but could not find him. However , in the past, I made copious notes. You may remember how in my last letter to you I developed how the soul , plastered up the newly plastered wall , developed how the soul of an ivy , creeping up the newly plastered wall, grows LITLE FEET ( – my Killavalla capitals, now may > Mama FlanneryHairy reign )
climb. And the pony.
Stretches out its forepaw . To the order of a whip……
” from deafness its forepaw to the order of a whip



1. Frank Corcoran ( – Francis ? ” Próinsias ” ? – only then , an impatient slave, I DARE question: ” ´O Corcoráin ” ? – am I perhaps a ” Mac Corc – – – ? ”
was awarded the 1980 – 81 artist-in-residence / / Künstlerprogramm des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes Berlin. An ” IRISH ” ( ? ) ” Composer ” ! ?
( ” Cumadóir Ceoil ” ) . – Courage ? Coraggio ?

2. ” Take warning , waves, take warning, crown of the sea,
I, Corcoran, witless from your discords,
Were Spanish sails again afloat
And rescue on your tides,
-Would force this outcry ( ? ) down your wild throat,
-Would make you swallow these Atlantic words “.

3. ” Joyce, der Dublin früh verlassen hatte, war ein Heimatloser…. ”

4. Liam De Noraidh ( ” CEOL ÓN MUMHAN ” – focal Gael-Bartokiana-Gael ) sweated in his galluses in An Roinn; – terraced thousands died in drowned / bombed nearby Coventry. ” Macht´s Nix …. ” ” – Tá go maith agus níl…. ”
Out of De Noraidh´s ( – compare very carefully Bartók before you open your STUPID mouth ) Waterford empirical quarter-tone epiphanies observe….


1. I give my body to the earth as it was before , in order that the enduring blocks and materials thereof may be employed in new combinations ; and I give my soul to God ( – UMPH ! – ) with Whom ( – capitals ? ) it always was , to be in Him ( – more UMPH needed here obviously – ) and with Him ( ditto ) for ever , in closer and more conscious ( ditto ) union….

2. Breandán ´O Madagáin ” ist dahin ” . – D´ éag sé. ( eg. ” Gaelic Lullaby : a charm to Protect the Baby ? ” in Scottish Studies 29, 1989, and SO MANY OTHER studies ( excellent ) of our Irish Caoine .

3. Also Breandan Piper Ó Madagáin ( of “SONGS AND DANCES OF IRELAND ” ) with whom I worked and sighed and laughed and sighed.

4. Also BERIO ” Intervista Sulla Musica “, his ” symphonic ” ” branching ” and Webern´s ” Path To The New Music ” – how HE ” froze” ” emotions” in tones.

5. In seeking my Weeping Fathers, I have e-writhed elsewhere on great LIGETI and on great LUTOSLAWSKY . Si monumenta , si !
6. As a prelude to my ( ? ) SLIGO FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 2000 ( – Okay, I was its ” Director ” its ” spiritus spiriti ” )
at the Sligo Teachears ´( sic ) Centre, 2.10.2000, I spoke gently of:

Intervallic Conciseness in ” Is Maith An Bhean Muire Mór “, Beethoven´s opening orchestral remarks in the V. Symphony, Gabriel Rosenstock´s : ” ÍOSA : ” I measc seangán faoi cloch tá ´Iosa…. ”
Sligo remained deafeningly silent.

7. Dolmens don´t keen the dead. We Irish do – or did until comparitively recent times – down the long centuries since the Old Tipperary Stone Age food-gatherers perfected their three-note music. I keen. ( No necessary Yeatsian ) keenly I keen our CONTINUING inability – Edward Said , ” ciúnas ! A dhuine bhoicht ! ” – to overlep our long shadow of musical etc. etc. from the neighbouring Henry Purcell island. Irish musicological supineness is never pretty. The present ( ? ) discourse about ” What Then Is Irish Music” is painfully late, painfully inadequate, painfully ( once again ) supine in its very sociology.

8. Elsewhere I have proved that , YES, great Bach came through Killavalla, 18th. c. Tipperary , his C – Dur ( ” An Dó Cruaigh ” / ” Il Do DURO ” ) Sarabande spawning so many “Irish ” ( ? ) Slow Airs.

9. March 14. 2011 New York most recent Frank Corcoran world-premiere , ” SONGS OF TERROR AND LOVE” for Bass and Ensemble ( North South Consonance / Max Lifchitz / David Salsbery Fry ) is derived
from great ( “Great” ) Jacopone da Todi´s GREAT musical-poetical ” STABAT MATER ” . Motivically.

10. ” We wish to thank the following…. for their support of Glucksman Ireland House NYU Programm …. ” – ” Ciúnas “.


Supposing things had gone the other way, his eyes filmed over at the end, his poor last Seven Last Things in the wheel-barrow ? Once upon a given ? Empirically ratifiable ? At times it certainly was a permanent Satanic presence, never uttered, no, but ready at the nod of a dudeen to be unleashed ? His ultimate ROAR at cosmic indifference ? At the going down of the sun he´d puff a bit when he´d think about rescuing the family´s fortunes, his dialogue between screen and scream. And air. Opposites attract is all I am suggesting in our dialogue about There´s No Why. To scream, the mouth unvoiced and unutterable and appalling and unspeakable and unscreamable.


Classical radio-station , WFMR- FM ( 98.3 ) isn´t generally thought of “trail-blazing” ( Milwaukee Sentinel 1989 ) . But think again.
In September WFMR embarked on a 26-part series of hour long programmes devoted entirely to 20th -century music. Entitled ” LEGACY” , the series was written and narrated by Irish composer, Frank Corcoran. “Legacy is a comprehensive , arresting and delightfully accessible introduction ( Nancy Raabe ) to the music of our amazingly varied age…. ”

Roma 13. April 1996. Ada Gentile : ” Dear Frank, I am very glad that you have accepted my proposal to write a solo cello piece ( ” ICE-ETCHINGS” Nr. 2 ) for Madeleine Shapiro…. The concert will take place on 11 November in Rome… ”

FRANK CORCORAN SOLO CONCERT to include: Piano Trio, Medieval Irish Epigrammes ( RTE Singers ), WIND QUINTET ( Les Amis de la Musique ) , GESTURES OF SOUND AND SILENCE.