Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


What does it mean ? ” Will never come again ” ? – Pseudo-profound misuse of tense or thought reality or what ?
Rosy fingered dawn purple alright. My recent work revolves around ” QUIS SUM ? “, hoary chestnut. eg. the newest ” Variations On Myself” for Chamber Orchestra; also my Violin Concerto ( Dublin 2012 ), Clarinet Quintet and “Rhapsodic Bowing” for 8 Celli ( RTE 2011 ) and my “Eight Haikus” for SS AA TT BB Choir. Also “Songs Of Terror And Love” for Bass and “Pierrot ” Ensemble ( New York 2011 ) . In the sense that ” F R A n Cis Es C orcor A n” is ” Frank Corcoran” ( are those tone-names him, i.e. me ? ) and where peeps ” Próinsias ´O Corcoráin ” , my pre -19th. c. Englished Gaelic-Irish “real” named
me ? See what ” I” mean ? And that´s only a linguistic start on my Holy Name, pre-Cartesian ! Oh dear ! Oh I !


17. 5. 2008 ICE-ETCHINGS Nr. 2 ( Solo Cello ) Kunst-Raum ( Drochtersen – Hull )

11.12. QUASI UN DUO ( Bass u. Klavier ) Festival Mondaine , Bucharest

23. 8. QUASI UNA MISSA ( elektro-akustisch ) Futura Festival , Crest, France

18.5. 3. Streichquartett Rai Tre Rom

7. 5 QUASI UNA FUGA ( erste Fassung für 18 Streicher) LyricFm/ Irish Radio

19.4. ICE-ETCHINGS Nr. 2 Hamburg Kulturzentrum

1.07 KLAVIERTRIO ( Fidelio Trio ) The Ware-house, London , England

17.03 Concertzender Holland sendet: QUASI UNA MISSA, KLAVIERTRIO, 5 ROSENSTOCKLIEDER, 3. BLÄSERQUINTETT, SWEENEY´S FAREWELL ( elektro-akustisch )

27.04 THE LIGHT GLEAMS ( Beckett ) . Concorde Ensemble, Hugh Lane Gallery Dublin .

10.05 ” ” ” Cerkin Castle , Llubljana, Slovenien.

30.03 ICE-ETCHINGS Nr. 2 Klopstock Kirche Hamburg

18.02 Text und DVD of “Acoustic Turn ” mit ICE-ETCHINGS Nr. 2 ( Schloß Salzau Muthesius Kunst-
Hochschule Kiel Symposium ” Acoustic Turn ” vom 4.05.2006 )

13.01 3. STREICHQUARTETT ( Calino Qtet. ) Hugh Lane Dublin U.A.

NDR. ( bei “PrismaMusik gesendet )

NDR. ”

21.01. RTE 1 ( ? ) Dublin (“Blue Of The Night” ) IRISCHE MIKROKOSMOI für Streichorch.

21.05 bei “Dokumenta” Kassel : Interview Frank Corcoran


Nunc nemo clamat per telephonam. ” Clamor ergo sum? ” non verum. Si nemo existimat “per me”, nunc nemo concipit conceptum mei, nemo mihi benevolat, nemo laudat symphonias meas hodie, verum autem est quod existo hac nocte felix et sobrius et vigilans et creans novum opus ” VARIATIONS ON MYSELF” ( sed non modo Narcissi ).

Scribo ergo sum ? Sum ergo scribo ? Nego.

Ut negaret Augustinus nigrus ? ( Magna lux, magnam umbram ponebat super mundum cogitantium. Et amantium. Coloravit sanctus Africanus amorem eroticam et agapeicam et copulationem corporum et mentorum et Ying et Yang cosmicum globi. Africanus damnavit tantos, tantas.

Sufficit. Ego ergo bibo scrivens, scribo bibulans. Ubi mater? ( Fuit ) Ubi mater santi Augustini ( Fuit. Santa fuit.Cur ? ) Quanta qalia sunt tristia ? Cur tristia, Deus meus ? Respondit Africanus sine ira :
” Bhí bean ann fadó!”

Silentium, nigrissime Africane ! Si mundus merda est, excrementa sund opera sancta santi merdae…. Si
fossa est hortus meus, ego manduco excrementa. Et ego sum excrementa – priusquam excrementa mea apparuerunt. Ergo ego sum aliquid quod est priusquam sit. Quod impossibile est. Quomodo praeexistentia mea ?
e.g. Sancus Augustinus excrementa est Sancti Augustini priusquam merda emergit ex
visceribus sanctissimis sancti Africanorum . Quod est impossibile.
Quid est verum ? Quid adjuvat nos adjuvantes juventutem et hilaritatem nostram ?

“Bhí bean ann fadó ” . Nomen mulieris Hebreorum Eva, creata ex nihilo vel ex Adamo. Bene sit. Sic creavit Deus Adam, Evam, nihil cosmicum, excrementum hominis et pulchritudinem feminae.
Deus est. Non est. Super est. Cur creavit? ex otio divino ?
Ego cogito bibens et scribens et nunc scribo cogitans:
Deum, calamum, copulationis culpam secundum Augustinum et mortem mortis secundum Paulinum e plenitatem vitrorum et vinorum et Theorema Magnum Magni Corcorani:

Ego sum. Ergo ego sum excrementum. Cogito mundum ut excrementum ( Cur ? ) . Ego sum excrementum priusquam hanc merdam produco.
Ergo ego sum priusquam ego sum…. Quod est impossibile . (Timeo praeexistentiam meam. ) Ergo bibemus.

—–Original Message—–
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 02:10:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Frank to Phrank ( Latine )

PRATOLEVA 4. 6.2011

Nunc nemo clamat me per telephonam. Si nemo existimat “ad me”, nemo concipit conceptum mei, nemo mihi benevolat, nemo laudat symphonias meas hodie, verum autem est quod existo hac nocte felix et sobrius et vigilans et creans novum opus ” VARIATIONS ON MYSELF” ( sed non modo Narcissi ).

Scribo ergo sum ? Sum ergo scribo ? Nego.

Ut negaret Augustinus nigrus ? Magna lux, magnam umbram ponebat super mundum cogitantium. Coloravit sanctus Africanus amorem eroticam et agapeicam et copulationem corporum et mentorum et Ying et Yang globi. Africanus damnavit tantos, tantas.

Sufficit. Ego ergo bibo scrivens, scribo bibens. Ubi mater mea ? Ubi mater santi Augustini ( Fuit. Santa fuit. Cur ? ) Quanta qalia sunt tristia ? Cur tristia, Deus meus ? Respondit Africanus :
” Bhí bean ann fadó!”

Silentium, nigrissime Africane ! Si mundus merda est, excrementa sund opera sancta santi merdae…. Si
fossa est hortus meus, ego manduco excrementa. Et ego sum excrementa – priusquam excrementa mea appareunt. Ergo ego sum quod quod est priusquam sit. Quod impossibile est. Quomodo ?

eg. Sancus Augustinus est excrementa Sancti Augustini priusquam merda et stercus emergunt ex
visceribus sanctissimis sancti Africanorum et Europeorum. Quod est impossibile.
Quid est verum ? Quid est justum ? Quid adjuvat nos adjuvantes juventutem nostram ?

“Bhí bean ann fadó ” . Nomen mulieris Hebreorum Eva. Creata ex nihilo vel e lato Adami. Bene sit. Sic creavit Deus: Adam, latum, Evam, nihil, nihil cosmicum,excrementum hominis et pulchritudinem feminae.
Deus est. Non est. Super est. Cur creavit? – ex otio divino ?
Ego cogito bibens et scribens et nunc scribo cogitans:
Deum, calamum, copulationis culpam secundum Augustinum et mortem mortis secundum Paulinum e plenitatem vitrorum et Theorema Magnum Magni Corcorani:

Ego sum. Ergo ego sum excrementum. Cogito mundum ut excrementum ( Cur ? ) Ego sum excrementum priusquam merdam produco.
Ergo ego sum priusquam ego sum…. Quod est impossibile . Ergo bibemus.


I call the new Work-In-Progress for strings and 5 ( I think, yes ) single wind :
” VARIATIONS ON MYSELF” for Chamber Orchestra.
World- and village-pump , take note and pity. – Is he gone off his umbilical top ? Autisticity rampans ?
I don´t think; at all. My new musical score is being spun out of my entrails, va bene. Nothing against that in the history of the musical art which I happen to know best; I´m thinking of ” B A C H ” , of Berg et Webern et Father Schön, but also of Josquin´s Dux Ferrariae and of Lutoslawsky and Dimitri Schumann and Robert Shostakovitch , also others of their composing kidney. Basically it´s hew your building blocks out of your own bleeding body, out of my very own named self. – ” Musica autobiographica” ? Not at all, woman ! Have a bit o´bloody sense now !
– Did I get this idea from those two giant sea-gulls outside my hotel-room window on the balcony of Il Monastero recently, sun-lit waves very far below the cells and graves and church and prayer tread-mill of all the long dead Clarissa nuns ( – Poor Clares – ? ) and all arrogant Arragonese ?
I did and I didn´t. Two enormous birds pleading and shouting and curdling and cawing and kidding and kindling and cuddling and spewing and sawing at that oleander was too much. ( I feared for my slashed eyes, nose ) I took their sun-baked advice , also their dawn dandling, clumsy pads a-pawing as the burnished Bay of Naples alba agreed I should. I did.


I am ; therefore I think. This ( only ) appears to be true. One morning it will no longer even appear to be true . True this, by the way ? I will have ceased to think, apparently . I will have ceased, apparently . Apparently this is no part of my lived, imagined, felt or ignored ” self ” – T.V.screen. – No image imaginable, eh , of this negative self-definition ( – Hold on ! Wrong ! – since by then I´ll not be around to have imagined / thought / conceived this etc. etc. ) ?
High up this holy night on Il Monastero Dreamy Descartes chided me . Rightly. ” Consider how that huge, impertinent gull outside your hotel-room door here onto our splendid and airy balcony here high above this rock of the Arragon kings, of their swivy wives and their sweating prisoners and all the ghosts of their Clarissa Nuns, heir predecessors, attacked that oleander tree at the sea-wall over there . Consider how that second gull joined in giant gulls´ fun, in their oleander roistering and choristering, a feathered chorus of airy/ aery clucks, feathery caoines and webbed percussion and insane shrieks, yells and pulling and shoving and biting and prodding and trying to swallow what they could not: that soon they , too, would no longer be members of the class of gulls . No longer be.”


I am writing this on a rickety machine in Il Monastero. That sea-gull ( enormous ) wakens me early each morning outside – his extraordinary sounds couple a mewling baby, a blackbird warble , a yeller from Guantanamo, an old crones caoine on the Aran Islands in the forties, a manic cackle, a turtle dove and so on. Extraordinary…


This special composer e-shot is to let you know about
the launches of two very exciting projects which are
taking place on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

The first is the launch of our digital archive initiative,
The Irish Composers Project. We are delighted that the newly
appointed Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht,
Jimmy Deenihan TD, will launch this major project for CMC.
The launch will take place in CMC at 12:00pm on Tuesday, 24 May.

On the Monday evening prior to this, 23 May, at 6:00pm, we will
have the launch of our Dublin Literary New Music Trail 2011.
The trail is a celebration of the rich connections between
Irish writers and Irish composers, in recognition of Dublins
UNESCO City of Literature status, and will be launched by
CMC’s Director, Evonne Ferguson.

We hope to see as many of you as possible at either or both
of the events!