Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Too angelic choirs tend to bore us …. Is that why so much harp music can sound so trivial ? Tired?
“IN THE DEEP HEART´S CORE” emerges over, out of, over against that low F sharp. Not too much chordal stuff, short motivic. Those notes G A flat B flat C sharp D occasionally bring in an A to sharpen things. High and lowest registers contrast very finely. A new element, a little melodic unison wisp in octaves. The melodic last section has been grown into. Like this our Old Year, 2011, it, too, vanishes into, if not angelic, ethereal heights. Sicut fumus. Holy smoke.


Among my very few New Year Resolutions will be my scrivener´s intention to write briefly on the work of the last, say, ten years, me scribe going backwards over the musical works I actually wrote this now vanishing year, then I´ll glide over those of 2010 and so on, explore their possible origins, forms, intentions and inventions, stunts. I´ll write in 2012 further for myself primarily. In the beginning was the urge, later came the, ahem, splurge.


Certainly we´ll scrub the ascending steel stairs; prepare the New Year.
I come back to that high-mindedly triumphant Robert Spaemann Theorem: ” Keine Tatsache wird jemals wieder falsch”. I fear for Prof. Spaemann ( – in Robert Spaemann´s ” GOTTESBEWEIS” ) that it is a tautology, not a theorem – in “Tatsache” is already contained the idea of ” keine …. jemals falsch”. To bray this trumpet music is more defiance than dontological, more orthodontic than orthodox. Leave it like that ? Okay….


The Music of Frank Corcoran


“Keine Tatsache wird jemals wieder falsch”. ( which is roughly, ” what´s done is done and cannot be undone” or some such – hard though to match those gritty eleven syllables of the original. ) Do I smell a tautology ? Nearly, if not quite. Only if “Tatsache” ( ” the done deed” ) itself contains the idea of un-undoness; which it doesn´t quite; though it nearly does. For the idea of undoing the done doesn´t appear at your first look self-contradictory. Second look, yes. Impossible, yes. Hmmm , perhaps also self-contradictory, – in which case the great ” keine Tatsache wird jemals wieder falsch” is more in the nature of festival music for trumpets, a solemn announcement of the obvious ? How obvious?


Time´s arrow noses into my future. I´d better write this down. As soon as I finish I will have finished writing this down. ” Future becomes Futurum Exactum. ” That is all.
No need ( well, hell, wrong: obviously Spaemann does need! ) to posit a glorious Ontological Argument, though it´s nifty, neat to be risking : ” I am, therefore You will be!” or, its reversing inversion: ” I will be, therefore You are!” ( I´ll be silent, of course, about ” I shall be Who shall be!” Never know where I´d finish down that slope )
Look, supposing that my new ” VARIATIONS ON MYSELF” for Chamber Orchestra is played in Limerick Cathedral ( – oh, it will be? Yes! ), well then, a nano-second or so after that “event”, it will have been played in Limerick Cathedral. And my second last sentence will have come true, will be true, is even now ( raindrops spatter ) true.
Is that all ? No tensing up. Apparently language today´s not up to a whole lot. It would appear that all kinds of future sentences are in trouble this Christmas, I´m really asserting that ? – Galloping, goofy ontology with the goose on the shining table, that it ?


Keep this to yourself. We´ll issue our joint statement: history is bunk…. there´s simply too many ( never cleared up ) causes hanging around.
They began again, he puffing strongly, cropped, late 18th c., still a bit shaky after his recent hanging by British yeomen. ( No joke, he´d died without a whimper. ) Now worried about the future, if no longer his future ; yes, the descendants two short centuries later. How distinguish, he was muttering badly now , between utterer, uttered and uttering? But now suppose the thing had gone the other way, the shoe on the other foot ? Suppose they´d not hanged him by hemp? The eyes filmed over, all his poor possessions in the wheel-barrow? The scream unvoiced , unutterable and appalling and unspeakable and unscreamable? To be hanged by hempen rope. Till your dudeen bursts?



Certainly I had to study Berg , Beethoven and Max Bruch and them all; how to make my new Concerto sing and soar, how thin out the accompanying orchestra ( eg. I use no tuba, little enough brass, sparing percussion ) to let the violin get lift-off at the opening of my Movement 1.
The Slow Movement then wrote itself, the solo line singing its three ( sad ? – Are they sad ? ) verses before the Cadenza and final wisps of string.
In the fast semiquavers of the last 3. Movement, I composed the lightness of being. So it´s: Fast / Slow / Fast approximately, this well-tried formula of this exciting violin concerto genre. The writing is deliberately pared down. eg. it´s metred, gridded music all through , no complex polyrhythms or controlled aleatory, here clear melodic line and accompaniment .
My work is taut, lean, lyrical, leppin´, a true concerto that looks back and looks forward.It learns from Mozart in the last movement´s fast passage-work. There´s something, of course there is, of Mendelssohn, Brahms and the rest in the opening movement´s orchestral tutti pitted against the strength of the solo line.
The Slow Movement is certainly a ” Lied Ohne Worte”, pure amhrán. It has to be.
So my whole short orchestral work ? – Un poco “music about music” ? Maybe. As in several recent works ( eg. my 2011 CLARINET QUINTET or the 2008 ” 9 ASPECTS OF AN IRISH POEM” for Large Choir and Solo Violin ) my building-blocks are a simple 7 – note row : G A flat C sharp D E flat F sharp and A. That´s it. With these seven tones I construct a mighty sounding edifice, in these three movements a concerto of fiddling fun and violinistic seriousness and sorrow and fast, furious last orchestral thoughts. “Quasi Un Concerto “? No, the real thing, but of our time, my tones re-living at least a century of violin concerti without being in the least neo-tonal or neo-this and that. Call it also: ” The One And The Many” ; “Four Strings Against The Rest”; or subtitle its three subtle movements perhaps: ” Announce The Event” , ” Sighing Song” and “Lightness Is All”.


O Lord of the Futurum Exactum ! Great Guarantor of all our
true assertions! Timeless Tensor of our tenses! Because You will know my present , all my present sentences, and only because You know ( You will know? ) one day ( which day ? ) that this my e-typed ” A is B” ( or indeed any true assertion of mine,” I am XYZ” ) will once have been true is it true….
The morning mind boggles; these typing fingers bleed and stiffen. There must be something deeply wrong here ( – and not only with the Spaemann Syllogism – see yesterday´s blog – which by the way will also have been true, is still true today, was true yesterday…. ) ; also with Spaemann´s God, with Spaemann´s futurum exactum, Spaemann´s “absolutes Bewusstsein”. The mind spins. How shall I today avoid that dratted Futurum Exactum? I´m sure I don´t know. Hmmm. Better spend the day in kindly silences, utterless.
The morning sleet boggles.


Robert Spaemann´s ” GOTTESBEWEIS” – surely he´s the fastest gun in town since 2006 ? Linguistic logic ( – a lazy tautology here , cold blogger ? ) . Observe the rabbit in the hat, sleight of hand :

1. Alle Tatsachenwahrheiten sind ewige Wahrheiten.

2. Jede Gegenwart ist die Vergangenheit einer künftigen Gegenwart.

3. Der ontologische Status dieser ewigen Wahrheiten besteht weder in einer Wirking, noch im Erinnertwerden, sondern im Gewußtwerden.
Es ist somit einem absoluten Bewußtsein, also Gott, gegenwärtig.

Voila! Try denying 1. I can´t. But ” ewig” seems to be claiming more than “Wahrheiten” – a, ahem, tautology ? A whiff of unearned grandeur? I´ll try denying 2. Humph! – again, it won´t budge. But is it more than a teasing out of
“Gegenwart “´s meaning ? Or of the way we invented the future – simple or “exactum” while swinging from the banana-trees, eh? Ahem, no, nein. Now where did Spaemann get Nr. 3. then ? It´s apparent magisteriality ? His Big Clout? He got it out of his black hat, an enormously beautiful whopper of an assumption…. it may well be true if what he wants to prove is true is actually, well, true. Otherwise, not true – because he has smuggled “Gewußtwerden” in by the heels. And therefore also his Nr. 4 : ” es ist somit”…. is not a “somit” but a real quick pistol-draw. ( – And, of course, “Es ist somit… ” IS true IF what our good Prof. Spaemann is hoping to establish IS the case…. )
But is it the case ? Humph. – It may; or then again it may not be , quite independent of his virtuose Gottesbeweis.
Word-trickery? Logic gone awry? Academia´s endemic acrobacy?