Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


June 1 and 2 in Dublin’s National Concert Hall the Irish National Symphony Orchestra with soloist , Martin Johnson, and conductor, Gavin Moloney, recorded all four movements of my ( 2015 in Dublin premiered ) CELLO CONCERT.
I was gob-smacked and gob-whipped.
The ears of the young Nordklang ( Berlin ) / RTE – Lyric Fm production unit for my cello music were awesome; the
N.S.O. ( – Yes, they had over the years premiered so many Frank Corcoran orchestralia orchestraliorum with great success ) was highly motivated, molto concentrated.
I heard my CELLO CONCERTO – being born literally new,
the thrill of a bar of bass clarinet or a dab of double bassoon, sheer Old Roman Army bucina terror of my 4 unison french horns in the unleashed violence of the third movement, oboe and a clarinet with Dvorak’s hymn – lightly chromaticized – at the lyrical beginning of the Slow Movement.
Astonishing ! Young ears. Great young ears, the players and the conductor and my C.D. – Producer –

PEERLESS Martin Johnson’s mighty Solo Cello, its ebbs and flows and sfumature, every detail , all and every

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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