Also in my Composer´s List Of Goodies :
1977 “MEDIEVAL IRISH EPIGRAMMES ” for the RTE Singers / Hans W. Rosen went to the Paris International Rostrum Of Composers.
( Eric Sweeny later also did a memorable performance and recording of the work ! )
2000 The N.S.O. / Richard Pittman did the revised version of “THREE ORCHESTRAL PIECES – Pictures From MY Exhibition” . ( Colman Pearce´s 1975 performance with the
RTESO was very strong ! )
“FAREWELL SYMPHONIES” for Tape And Orchestra ( RTECO / Seoirse Bodley ) was a RTE entry for the 1982 Prix d´Italie.
1997 WDR commissioned the electronic ” SWEENEY´S VISION ” which then won the 1999 Bourges Festival Preier Prix.
2005 the Croatian ” Cantus ” Chamber Orchestra commissioned my “QUASI UN CANTO ” for their Zagreb season; premiere on lovely Vis Island.
More and more anon. My sound-photos.