Get this: she DID flutter as in one of your artistic Umbran-Tuscan excursions into The Other Side Of The Black Hole. Nightie singed, how paint great heat? We shall ALL be purified and burned and fly slowly on Benozzo Gozzoli half-wing through the purgatorial vortex in order to separate ourselves in an orderly fashion. From our dross. See “wing merchant”, ” artist on the wing”.
I was very weak now. Theologically toneless. Tuneless. It´s not every night you email a Renaissance Goose-wing Painter. But I did:
” Dear Benozzo ( may I call you Ben? No? ), a dying friend just emailed good me with : But she was disturbed long before your time; you see that, don´t you ? What chain of which suffering? ” – So how did you, Gozz, paint which causality? Who did what ? Your new pal, Phranck”.
Umbran silence from Beyant.
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