Well, I do. Yes. A fifth, a minor third or a fourth is. It´s not “quasi a fourth”, but the real interval ( No, I steer clear generally of quarter-tones; and in bigger ensemble works I can´t hear them as too many lines blur any wished for effect ). So it´s real intervals I write and use in all my musical tonal constructions and conceits. Nowadays it´s often a seven- or six-note row, a simple collection like ” F, D, Cis ( in German C Sharp ), Es ( in German E Flat ), C, A ” and its matrix or matrices. Simple ” B A C H ” stuff which triggers the musical narrative at take-off. Yes, ” A DARK SONG ” for Bass Clarinet Solo and ” IN THE DEEP HEART´S CORE” for Solo Harp are stirring. Stirring stuff.
I can´t keep going. I´ll keep going. It´s the breath of life. Your only man. Don´t write about it. Do it. Others did. Wipe the nib clean and let´s go with those intervals. Outside my window two warm night-owls bore each other. Bear with each other. Their
intervals, too, such as they are ( Pythagoras was an odd bird ) .
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