Are there some among us who cannot draw together these Benozzo Gozzoli e-threads ?
Well, we had male parthenogenesis ( rare enough , admit it, in the Queen´s County ). Go easy on the next gold stitch. ( The Great Scream is being propelled down , not up the chimney vortex) Gozzoli´s golden error can happen. Weave into our sewing passacaglia eleven tones, hypothumotics! ladies, come all to the potty !
Then, I remember it well, we stitched in nothing. God is no thing . Capitals is better. No, our little embroidery job´s not quite finished : weave in the one big auntie, damned good concertina-player – she was unravelled unfairly, out of the Big Design. Short is our needle, your tea-break. Certainly I googled you , Painter Ben . ” O filii et filiae, now the cancer raceth up my Renaissance stiff shoulder”…. I, Benozzo, courted painter of chiefly angels´wings, all sizes, am to get an Umbran welcome; I do bequeath to this, still my world also, my coloured swirls and slashes and oil wisps and half finished Monte Falco angelic rainbows and ye´ll have great fun with. Try to cap that. ” O filii. Now they race through the stiff shoulder. He´d painted the archbishop, the cancerous concertina with the three final chords. Listen: it´s C Minor, B Flat, E Flat. There now, easy, lay down dat brush.
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