Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Their sound was gorgeous, the 8 Celli recording my ” RHAPSODIC BOWING ” , col legno rhythms sliding towards cello arcos and pizzicatos , these great celebrations of Bach-s theme too, and all mutating at the end into harmonics whose full impression was for excited me an orchestra of flutes. ( producing was great, also the peerless conducting ).
Also in RTE’s Studio One out at Belfield we made the last recordings of 8 DUETTI IRLANDESI for our Lyric CD, a
Spring 2017 release. Martin Johnson , cello, and Fergal Caulfield, piano, were peerless; every nuance and sunlight / shadow texture of these eight new duets …. . To complete the musical sandwich which makes up this Frank Corcoran Solo CD. then, the cello little solo, RHAPSODIA JOYCEANA which I composed last year ( based on the tone-names you find in ” jAmES jOyCE” , by the way ).
This will be a wonderful CD .


Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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