Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

In Snowy / Snowish Hamburg = Dublin It Gets Worse ?

1982 I was weak on all three hooves. Heinz-Klaus Metzger yelled ( – in Stuttgart of all cool ( ! ) places ) : ” Frank Corcoran! Say something about Theodore Adorno´s musical compositions ! Now! Otherwise I´ll yell again! May I scream ? John Cage ? ? ” – actually, no, he wasn´t so polite. I put that in…. It was, ja, desperate. Very very. There was no time for subtelty. At all. Oh shadow of AIMHIRGÍN let us for mythic sake grope for a glass . Sake deep- Alhambra . Myne “FOUR ORCHESTRAL PRAYERS” for Mezzosoprano and Orchestra , premiere January 19, 2010, National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland / RTÉ Performing Groups, yelp, ” are ” ” Kised ” by Heinrich Schütz, no mean Italiano kerne.

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