Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


There is certainly a lot of nonsense around ,

including our usual suspects

( Henry Grattan Flood, for example, is hardly usable. P. Henebry also. )
From Breand’an Breathnach I was lucky to inherit healthy scepticism ;

but also to approach Irish music much as an archaeologist would – his

FOLK MUSIC AND DANCES OF IRELAND has good stuff ( eg. on how recent the dances are- or on the genealogy of certain

Slow Airs )

A must , too, is Donal O’Sullivan FOLKSONGS OF THE IRISH

More recent collectors are also sounder – Tom Munnelly, Fintan Vallely, Swedish Professor of Folklore , Bo Almquist.
The odd introductions from the BBC collectors of the thirties to fifties , Seamus Ennis etc. ,
can be pearls.

Yes, a MUST is Breand’an ‘O Madag’ain’s pioneering work on the Old Irish Caoine

and its genealogy- going back to the Fenian “laoi”.

I myself published two important essays in The Journal of Music , was it 2000 and 2002 …

And a gob-smacking must is that beautiful reference in ” Agallamh na Seanorach ” ( “Tales Of The Ancients Of Ireland

where Oisin, quizzed by our St. Patrick, told of Finn McCumhal’s beloved little harper, Ceann Corach who

could play

” the music of all that is…. ”

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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