I´ll give in Dublin two special soundscapes ,
My Percussion Concert ´s one ( – see what it takes …. ) ,
Then James Joyce Evening , words and tones and my
Reciting voice , reJoycing him and I .
Words and tones can sound and bend and cry:
” Verbum caro , carmen factum est …. “
Joyce rhapsodic , soaring rhythmic zest .
” Kinetic ” , synaesthetic tone-words fly .
This foam at the mouth in mad March air
Swirls and twirls my whitening hair ….
( But In another sense , there´s nothing there ,
´Cept air all singing plus a certain flair )
It´s a break from singed songs of Death and War
And Drones ( Atone ! ) and winter-bombs afar.
” I´ll give in Dublin two special soundscapes …. “
Posted under: General