Also in this 2005 – 2010 period, I composed : (moving backwards now in my already flowed time )
9 ASPECTS OF AN IRISH POEM for Solo Violin and Large Choir ( North German Radio
Choir, Conductor : Philip Ahmann )
QUASI UN BASSO for Piano and Bass ( for the American Duo Moderno )
2007 MAD SWEENEY / BUILE SUIBHNE for Speaker and Chamber Orchestra ( Translation by Seamus Heaney from the Mddle Irish epic ) Boston Musica Viva – Richard Pittman, Conductor .
2005 QUASI UN CONCERTO for the Zagreb
” Cantus ” Chamber Orchestra. Out on their Cantus label.
Satis est ? I am insatiably curious to know where all this is leading to. Really. Musical thought, even with Pythagoras, waiting to be born. If Irish poet Gabriel Rosenstock lets me ( he will ) I´ll quote his very beautiful Gaeilge version here of the haiku :
” Light / Endlessly striving / To be born ”
” Solas // Síordhúil aige // Sa bhreith “.
Sums it up. Same for composed sound. My sounds, sistolic. We are back to Plato, no mean composer himself, even if single-handedly he could´t quite solve the Concept / Sound-wave pair . Pared.