Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

” HER DAPPLE IS AT AN END! ” Gerard Manly Hopkins

Take your choice:
CORCORAN´S CRAZY LIST OF TEN WORKS ( in no apparent order… ) :

1. Quasi Una Missa. Electronic . WDR commission 1999. Won that 2002 Swedish EMS Prize… Uses over 2000 years of Irish God-texts … on CD

2. Music for the book of Kells . 5 Percussion and Irish Pianist. 1990 U.S.A. U W M commission. CD

3. ” Quasi Una Sarabande ” for 8 instruments. Swiss “Antipodes” commission for Basle, Zürich, Berne . 2009. Swiss Radio recording. CD

4. Clarinet Quintet. 2011 RTE commission. Vanbrugh CD

5. ” Variations On Myself” New York North / South commission , Max Lifchitz cond., ( chamber orchestra ) for 2013 March 14 premiere.

6. ” Trauerfelder ” for 5 percussion ( you know this ) – 50 years of liberation ( Is there a ? ) from Auschwitz . Hamburg Kultursenatorin.

7. ” Quasi Una Fuga” for 18 Strings. Irish Chamber Orchestra / Anthony Marwood. 1997 Shannon Festival, Limerick Cathedral premiere rec.

8. “Eight Haikus” for Choir SS AA TT BB to texts by Frank Corcoran. Won the 2013 International Federation for Choral Music First Prize Outright.

( premiere Oct. 5 2013 by Manila Madrigal Singers / Mark Anthony Carpio )

9. VIOLIN CONCERTO ( N.S.O. / Christopher Warren-Green / Alan Smale ) Dublin RTE 2.11.2012 rec. )

10. PIANO TRIO ( 1976 Sender Freies Berlin premiere / Concorde – almost 40 years later , my 12.3.2013 Zagreb Biennale MIGHTY Croation
triumphant CD )

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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