for Fls/Clar.s / Pianoforte / Vln./ V.Cello.
Here the classical Schoenberg instrumental ensemble is used to paint NINE short pictures of the traditional ” Pierrot ” figure .
Here are 9
“Charakterstuecke ” on this important theme.
1. Short idea : all the 5 instruments.
2. Miniature – only 4 Bars ! Piccolo and Bass Clar. – We change the colouring.
3. Another colour-facette – only 8 Bars long ! – the 4 instr.s plus a FEW Piano tones !
4. “Lustingando ” – dance-like Pierrot.
5. Presto and fortissimo – all is breathlessness.
6. A Webernesque 7 bars. Repeated. Pianissimo.
7 Piccolo and BassClar. – we change Pierrot’s character once again.
9. Here is the longest . All the heard ideas are developed. – Quintuplet and septuplet figures growing .
The piano’s lowest register and the deep instruments paint also the
Catastrophic. At the end, Pierrot’s irrepressible humour – lusingando….