The Mornington Singers and conductor Orla Flanagan present a programme of contemporary choral music from Ireland, including the premieres of two new works: “To the Northeast” by John Buckley (commissioned by Mornington Singers with the support of the Arts Council of Ireland) and “World War 1 Letters” by Ben Hanlon.
The concert will also include the launch of the choir’s new CD Under-Song and will perform a number of pieces from the album.
Programme includes:
Rhona Clarke Regina Caeli
Eoghan Desmond O most merciful
Colin Mawby Alleluia Christus resurrexit
Ben Hanlon World War 1 Letters (premiere)
Mark Armstrong Dreaming
Seán Doherty Under-Song
Éna Brennan L’Étranger
John Buckley To the Northeast (premiere)
Caitríona Ní Dhubhghaill An raibh tú ar an gcarraig?
Frank Corcoran Caoine