Annual batten down of these hatches ; quickly depart these lovely climes before the waiting Winter Solstice. Be quick ! Bi curamach ! Be still! Bi laidir !
Yes, a good strong Pratoleva harvest . Orchestral MY ALTO RHAPSODIES ( well, yes, once again my very own texts ) , a major Corcoran work, it will gain momentum and the needed Kathleen Ferrier contralto voice. This my summer also saw : 3 Pieces for Violin and Piano, 3 Pixels for Oboe and String Trio, a very plethora of choral works including AN IRISH CHRISTMAS CAROL and my self-crucifying FOUR LAST WORDS FROM THE CROSS, strong crafting , strong energy. We had then my CMC / Mark Linnane Frank Corcoran Film THE LIGHT GLEAMS. Seventieth Birthday Castle Shenannigans as high noon danced .
Bring all this harvest in. Hamburg awaits with bated ( not beaten ! ) breath, merchant’s sacks full of eccentric pepper.