Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Apparently scribbling is all. Write about the work ( performing it is obviously one better…  ) and its psychogenesis and its nemesis and all. To pretend I understand where it is coming from, a sigh in the piccolos or a chorale for muted horns , an all-present four tone motif in the “Jupiter” Symphony, such lip. Be not above the occasional Haiku. No, I know I can’t explain everything ( anything ? )  but there is a pleasure in the attempting, too. Quod scripsi has the habit of remaining.

About the Third String Quartet I expatiated:  ”  Mine is a kind of musical stream-of-consciousness, referring and feinting and discharging all the elements of Fast / Slow/ Violent / Lyrical/ Dense/ Thin/ Stringiness of Filigran.  “

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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