Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


All the snow-blizzards. So then I divide my life into chapters, I suppose;   encounters of the third kind. Grace. Could be rotten or even mushy .  Indeed . Flame. Imagining the flaming sounds, a line or a motivic cell, an aura,  or kinetic impulse. Would you mind rubbing that out ! ( Not yourself, no!  )  A reed bending in the wind. Did you hear that ?

Music as snarl, as threatening or soothing or taking off. Angelology, part two. We’re all getting on, some famously. Nor ear heard. I suppose courage is a big part, too. The simple in the complex.  Many are one here.To sum up: it is my eye or hear which impose a leitmotiv – that it ? So proves just what ?

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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