Is this which follows, then, improvised music ? Is it perhaps composed music ?
TITLE : “Among My Souvenirs ” : MY MUSIC: obviously a 3/4 bar, violin plus Viennese piano:
– “Admit to the Book Stacks” Harvard College, March 1992.
– “Certificate Of Attendance” – Fellow at Session 167 of the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies , March 26 1976.
– ” Certificate Of Death” Nr. 1121 / 2002 . ” The Decedent ( ? Yikes! ) was born on 22.5.1947 in Bayreuth…. ”
– “Family Tree: Casey / Corcoran: Hackett . Casey. Kirley. Corcoran. Colgan ( -they would have been Roger´s Mother´s Family)
” Music until now has played little part in Irish Studies in the U.S.”
– Prose-jazz? Poetic or pathetic prose? I composed here my word-tones, yellowing chords and rhythms and musical memories , wispeens of melody. In the best Joycean sense, oh yes ! – Can the banal arise struggling out of the trivial? – Can it? Do I hope to compose new ” entrail -sounds” ? New ” VARIATIONS ON MYSELF!” – Yes, I mean, out of my ounds?
I can. eg.
” TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Franklin S. Miller, Dept. of Music, U.W.M., May 16. 1990 : Professor Corcoran was a Fulbright Scholar from Hamburg…. We have enjoyed having Frank Corcoran on the faculty…. he has my personal best wishes for future success here and in Europe as well. ” – Trivial?
Quadrivial? Kitsch? Yellowing music, tones blown in the wind?
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