Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

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CMC Salon

24 Nov

Royal Irish Academy of Music
Concert Royal Irish Academy of Music
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The RIAM is delighted to host two of the Contemporary Music Centre’s Salon concerts this season.

This innovative series aims to encourage newcomers and enthusiasts alike to engage with the music of Irish composers in an informal atmosphere with dialogue encouraged between composers, performers and audience.

The second hour-long concert in the engaing CMC Salon series sees the electric RIAM Percussion Ensemble perform works by Irish composers Frank Corcoran, Ailis Ní Ríain and Garret Sholdice in the presence of the composers.

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I have got great mileage out of My Seven Tones, the Cello Concerto, Vioin Concerto, a whole heap of new, good work

these last few years here. Apparently art needs limiting, an electric fence. This dawning day also; no day without

its dawn and false dawn and creamy dawn and silver dawn – like a musical composition, its beginning out of silence or

its false cadence or final double bars. My opening must present the tones and their ( few or myriad ) problematic

intervallic forms , their emotional flourishes, the heroic sheen and preen. Let’s go. Energy.

FROM 2013

Irish Composer Frank Corcoran to Attend the Premiere of VARIATIONS ON MYSELF
February 25
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Irish Composer Frank Corcoran to Attend the Premiere of VARIATIONS ON MYSELF

Frank Corcoran — the noted Irish composer — will be in New York City to attend the premiere performance of his recently completed chamber orchestra work Variations on Myself .
A founding member of Aosdána – Ireland’s state-sponsored academy of reative artists – Corcoran who was born in Tipperary in 1944 completed his musical education in Berlin under the supervision of Boris Blacher. His Two Unholy Haikus won the Sean Ó Riada Award at the 2012 Cork International Choral Festival and the First Prize in th 2013 International Federation of Choral Music.

Several of his orchestral and choral works are available on recordings issued by, among others, the NAXOS, Col-Legno, and Caprice labels. For almost thirty years he taught composition and theory in the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg, Germany. Corcoran first visited the US in 1989 as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Subsequently, he has been invited to lecture at Indiana University, CalArts, Harvard University, Boston College, New York University and Princeton.

As basis for his recently completed work, Variations on Myself, Corcoran employs a melodic theme derived from the pitches suggested by the composer’s name: F-D-C#-Eb-C-A. Melodic and harmonic materials are generated by mutating these pitches while strict metrical writing of the strings contrasts with undulating lines in the wind instruments
often moving at their own tempo.

The free-admission concert is part of the North/South Consonance concert series, now on its 33rdconsecutive season. It will take place the evening of Tuesday evening March 12. The GRAMMY nominated North/South Chamber Orchestra under the direction of its founder Max
Lifchitz will also premiere four other works especially written for the occasion by composers representing a wide variety of styles. In addition to Corcoran, the other are: Harry Bulow, Binnette Lipper, Joyce Solomon Moorman and William Pfaff.

The concert will start at 8 PM and will take place at the auditorium of Christ & St. Stephen’s Church (120 West 69thSt – between Broadway and Columbus) on Manhattan’s West Side. Admission is free– no tickets necessary.

For further intormation please visit

ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC DUBLIN. 24. Nov. 2015. At 18.00

This is the programme

Frank Corcoran – ‘Trauerfelder/Goirt an Bhróin – 13′
4 Percussionists

Ailís Ní Ríain – Dubinina’s Tongue – 13′
4 Percussionists and projected colour video of paintings by Danish contemporary painted Bo Gorzelak Pedersen

Garrett Sholdice Existing piece for RIAM Perc Ensemble – 10’
5 percussionists

It is the RIAM Percussion Ensemble and in the RIAM – Katherine Brennan Room.

6pm – 7pm, 24 Nov


Mixed Choir
Choir a Cappella
Choir with Piano / Organ
Choir with Instruments or Orchestra

Eight Haikus

Eight Haikus

composer: Frank Corcoran

Instrumentation: mixed choir (SSAATTBB) a cappella
Edition: choral score
Language: English
Series: Distinguished Choral Music
Order number: C 57103
Preview and Download on
Price: 10.50 €
including VAT and plus delivery
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FRANK CORCORAN AND ” Different Voices ” .

wolke verlag
books on music

Benjamin Dwyer
Different Voices: Irish Music and Music in Ireland

Different Voices: Irish Music and Music in Ireland provides new insight into contemporary music in Ireland. Through twelve interviews with Irish or Ireland-based composers ranging in age from 26 to 80, Different Voices delves into the compositional and stylistic eclecticism of Irish music. In the Introduction, Benjamin Dwyer overviews music in Ireland from 1700 to the present, exploring how significant historical and socio-political factors such as English colonialism, Irish nationalism, religious and state censorship and globalization have shaped the trajectory of Irish music. The interviews raise themes central to the study of Irish music such as the relationship between European and ethnic music traditions, music styles and practices, the notion of “Irish” identity, music”s role in society, the role of politics, particularly feminism, and the reception of contemporary music in current Irish and international media. Different Voices: Irish Music and Music in Ireland breaks new ground in the study of contemporary music from Ireland, an important aspect of European culture still largely unexplored.

in English
288 pp., pb., € 29.–, 978-3-95593-060-8

order online

table of content

A dedicated website developed by the Contemporary Music Centre (Ireland) provides additional resources related to the featured composers including scores, audio and video, as well as additional interviews and biographical information. Interested readers should visit (active from Nov. 1):

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Subject: Re: Book Launch and SALON – RIAM, 24 Nov 2015

Book Launch FESTSCHRIFT FRANK CORCORAN AT SEVENTY _ An Irish Composer Invents Himself

Plus the programme for big percussion:

Frank Corcoran – ‘Trauerfelder/Goirt an Bhróin – 13’
4 Percussionists

It is the RIAM Percussion Ensemble and in the RIAM – Katherine Brennan Room.

6pm – 7pm, 24 Nov


Search Results for: frank corcoran (13)

Broadcast: 19/04/2015 17:00
Muziek van Frank Corcoran en Witold Lutoslawski. – Frank Corcoran Cello concert Martin Johnson, cello en het National Symphony Orchestr…

Broadcast: 01/02/2013 16:00
Nieuwe cd’s met Nieuwe Muziek. Vandaag o.a. de Nederlandse radio première van Frank Corcoran’s nieuwe vioolconcert. (nog niet op cd versch…

Broadcast: 25/04/2011 23:00
Muziek van Frank Corcoran, Gavin Bryars, Martijn Padding en Zhou Long. – Frank Corcoran. Quasi una Fuga. Irish Chanber Orchestra olv. Anthon…

Broadcast: 17/03/2008 07:00
St. Patricks Day! Op 17 maart vieren de Ieren feest. Overal ter wereld worden optochten georganiseerd en wordt er gedanst en gezongen, ter …

Broadcast: 12/02/2007 07:00
Nieuwe muziek. 07:00 1. Owe Walter. La guitarra. 2. Leo Brouwer. Tres apuntes. 3. Wim Hendrickx. In deep silence. Raphaella Smits, gi…

Broadcast: 25/12/2006 18:00
Nieuwe Muziek n.a.v. Actuele gebeurtenissen. Contemporary Music from Ireland. Elk jaar rond Kerstmis verschijnt er een cd-sampler met een …

Broadcast: 18/09/2006 01:00
EBU concerten. 01:00 Een opname van Radio Rusland. De pianist Alexander Bakchiev speelt werken van Anton Arensky, Anatoli Liadov & I…

Broadcast: 17/02/2006 00:00
00:00 Johnson, Robert . 1. Fantasia. 2. The gipsies’ dance. 3. As I walked forth. 4. Where the bee sucks. 5. Gallyard (My Lady mildmay?…

Broadcast: 19/07/2005 01:00
Om te beginnen de blazers sectie Saxo Panico, verder o.m. hedendaagse Ierse muziek, werken van Isang Yun en The Amsterdam Percussion Group. …

Broadcast: 02/11/2004 01:00
Om te beginnen Amerikaanse werken van Beaser, Tower, Riley, Liebermann , Schickele en Amy Beach; verder o.m. muziek van Richard Ayres, Fran…

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Sound And Music

Dear Frank,

I have now added the videos and audio excepts from the

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