Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Still Life with Guitar17 Mar, 1pm (National Museum Cardiff is open for most Bank Holidays, please check prior to your visit to ensure the museum will be open.)
National Museum Cardiff

In celebration of the shared Celtic heritage of Wales and Ireland, Still Life with Guitar presents an exciting programme of new music for flute and guitar, including performances of works by Welsh composers Mervyn Burtch and Peter Reynolds, plus, for the first time in Britain, works by Irish composers Frank Corcoran, Martin O’Leary and John Buckley.

The programme:

Mervyn Burtch: Sonatina for flute and guitar (2011)

Martin O’Leary: Flight for solo flute (1987)

Peter Reynolds: Serenata I for flute and guitar (1994)

Frank Corcoran: Three Pieces for Guitar (1990)

John Buckley: In Winter Light for alto flute and guitar (2004)

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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