Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

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Kaleidoscope – Pananorama –
Wed 1st Nov 2017

Doors at 8pm, music at 8.30pm €10-14 at Bello Bar.

Albeit just the 3rd concert in the 2017/2018 season, the Kaleidoscope series is already shouting about its second world premiere, would you believe? On this occasion, the new work, “Piccolo Quartetto Filarmonico”, is composed by the internationally renowned Tipperary-born composer Frank Corcoran and will be performed by the Robinson Panoramic Quartet. Kaleidoscope’s 2014 Ensemble in Residence, the Panoramic is a different kind of string quartet, comprising violin, viola, cello and double bass. Of the work, Corcoran says “the exciting drama of the musical mayhem, where the four voices are not exactly synchronized, pitted against the grave chordal liturgy, where they are….at the end, sweetness and light have the last say”.


Well, I was ten years younger. I had not yet composed the Cello Concerto, the Violin Concerto, Four Orchestral Prayers, Quasi Una Fuga and several other Corcoran works. Nor had I yet learned serenit’a, calmness, accept it all. Nor written my recent Sc’eal Beag. Nor discovered wild garlic, thyme, basil or origano. Nor written certain focal Haikus. Nor even thought of publishing the Festschrift Frank Corcoran ( or indeed its sub-title : “An Irish Composer Invents Himself.” ) or presented my Seven Theses On James Joyce And Music in the Dublin James Joyce Centre.
So whose used-up yarn is this spinning ? How is this writing voyeur ? My own e – entrails? 2006 was no bad year.
New Anew

Posted on June 16, 2006 By Frank Corcoran. WHAT DID IT MEAN ?

Whose used–up yarn is this spinning? The voyeur is always in me? Which
looking–glass declares an interest? Whence all these e–entrails I see,
trailed around the mulberry–bush?
Evening–questions seldom going away, let my fine fingers sing it:
Take Euclidian parallels. Take: ‘‘Can music ever be completely
programme–free?’’ Now if your answer is ‘‘Yes’’, why can’t we make a case also for the
occasional, programme–free Musing? This here is one such: perhaps in the
whole flaming firmament, this e–mail might be only the second known case of
an Uncaused Cause (lower case, please). E–scutter floweth as it will,
meandering magma loitering, causing at least a civilized smile.
It’s not actually enough to fob off Our Great E–typing Author with
‘‘uncaused causation’’ or with
‘‘let–it–flow–if–or–where–it–magmatically will’’
either. Bad enough to be caught anywhere near this theory of
‘‘any possible programme’’ (– eg. Our Muser–Author’s ounds, the scrofulous breakfast, gene
versus Jane versus Holy Joe in early boyhood).
Much worse, oh woe, not to expect anything from an e–mail, no effect,
none. Nothing. If idle is as idle strives to be, if (as here) it be
meta–musing on and on how to see behind its own very behind, then, there, be the
art of comedy chided.
This e–centred, this I–centred e–thrust, swallowed up in victory, all very
well that ; – by the way, who’ll fork out the cheque–book when the
celestial nuptials for ‘‘I’’ and for ‘‘Me’’ draw nigh, this very night and all, oh my ‘‘Musing’’, my very sawl?
What be e–writing at all, mused or fused tohuwabohu?
Then suffices no ‘‘It’s only snorting self–expression’’.
As is the humble courtier’s microtonally tuned fart. And the humbler’s
(eaten well prior) white–beans for lunch after the early morning’s quartering
up at Hangman’s Square, a mere finch in the turnip–pie, causing this (then
this in its turn, then, further causes) uncaused exhuding, this very
I wasn’t it. He there. Master Magma himself, careful, boy.
Not every musing could keep up concealing the awkward given of the
e–mail reflexive, the e–mail at play, the e–mail confessional, Gödel’s E–mail,
the e–cry or the e–caoine, e–haiku and e–mourn. They’re on the prowl, our
dear anti – ‘‘Musing’’ police. Have to be. You couldn’t allow total e–licence to the e–plebs.
O Inner circle, sneak closer. Either a ‘‘Musing ’’ amuses or, in its musing, it bemuses. Either it’s an Uncaused Cause (– but ‘‘LOWER CASE, PLEASE’’)
or is eén now causing wryness, a dry throat, reach for red pencil, sure the
man’s mad as a muser? Exhausted WHO is emailing exhaustive whom the following
text: ‘‘This e–message is in love with itself’’?
What makes our homo e–scribens so different, we left the wall–paintings and
Sumerian crúisgín l´an behind a long time ago? Out with it, your cheap
attacks on e–courage! Beat intransivity, slash the e–knot of reflexiveness!
Quod scripsi non really scripsi, true or Gödel–true? Could it be that,
e–quill and e–ink put tranquilly aside, we never, never, never love
unselfishly? Who said you can’t be e–mailing ‘‘In Paradisum’’? Is Paradise my mode of
while I mutate into my own e–mail? All changed, changed utterly, I
now am subsumed in what I have written. I have become this e–text. Scared?
Naw… My actual existence is also virtuality. What is behind my behind,
then? How’ll I have a look?


Nov. 1 2017 Frank Corcoran PICCOLO QUARTETTO FILARMONICO Odessa Club, Kaleidoscope, Dublin.

Dec. 2 2017 NDR – KULTUR “Prisma Musik ” Frank Corcoran lectures on / analyzes Elgar CELLO CONCERTO
Frank Corcoran introduces the new Frank Corcoran CELLO CONCERTO.

Dec. 21. Christchurch Cathedral Dublin AN IRISH CHRISTMAS CAROL

Januart 27 2018 Hamburg – Blankenese : 2. Symphony Revisited. 5 HAIKU / Lieder

May 12 2018 Belfast Hard Rain Ensemble premiere
” 9 LOOKS AT “Pierrot ” for Pierrot Ensemble

And new STRING QUARTET 2018 ? ConTempo Quartet ? RTE

New 2018 Frank Corcoran Summer Concerts in Orvieto and Bolsena – premiere new HOT DIALOGUES for Viola and Piano. Chamber-works.

2018 Schott Verlag : a new Frank Corcoran Monograph by Hans-Dieter Gruenefeld

March 17. 2019 New York City. NorthSouthOrchestra / Cond. Max Lifchitz Premiere CLARINET CONCERTO
( Arts Council commission of 2017 )

” RE – MEM – BER ME “

“Remember me ! ”

– that age/old cry, piteous, imperious, born out of terror , oblivion being our threat….

Remember me in tones, in bronze, the name of a lousy street, a tomb as a clarinet concerto, what else ?

Motor of art, with death our motor of religion ( that which “binds us ). I chisel it in , I write it on water, in

the sky, all

orchestral trumpets blazing. Change the nib. Begin a new composition. Oblivion will lap. Of course it will. Stoics

and Epicureans and our Buddha and all the Celtic saints of the Burren and great or bad or indifferent workers in,

well, all of the arts yell quietly those four syllables. “R” and “M” and “B” enclose just those two vowels….

– A musical composition ? Not bad.


Dear Frank,

Apologies for not getting to the 7 miniatures for so long – I’m the servant of too many masters these days, and I have to try to squeeze these in among so many other things. When I do have a moment, I can do them very quickly, however, so I’ll definitely have them prepared long before we need to begin rehearsing. We have tentative date for the first performance, too – possibly 8 or 15 September.

So, attached are the 3rd and 4th miniatures.

Latest release


Mad Sweeney’s Shadow

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contemporary classical

(1944 – present)

Frank Corcoran is from Tipperary in Ireland. He moved to Dublin to study firstly, and went on to Maynooth, Rome and lastly Berlin to study with Boris Blacher.

Corcoran has had a very schorlarly background

1980: Composer fellowship at the Berlin Kunstlerprogramm 1981: Guest professorship in West Berlin 1982: Professor of Music in Stuttgart 1983: Professor of composition and theory in the Staatliche Hochschule fur Musik und darstellende Kunst, Hamburg.

Corcoran has received numerous awards for his compositions: 1999: Bourges… read more
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