Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Pángur Bán is right: one kitten shinnies up a vine trellis; number two´s playing domino with a pebble on the terrace; three and four clean their predators´shining teeth on a rose-bush. A full harvest moon oversees the fun, feline, play, high jinks, cats´night theatre. Is this a rehearsal for a kitten´s future ? “Play” the right word here, eh ? Play as ec-stasis ? As delight in shaped activity without purpose? Animal ludens? Free or “free” this fun? ( Pángur Bán had no concept of that monk´s writhing or writing, of art, of the art of writing tones and pre-imagining their sounding ) Nor was the same harvest-moon especially interested in Sapph´s ladies´slow dance on the shore.

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