Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Well, it was after America and things were now very bad. Well, we were in the last stages. But how could I ever prove to the Court that she was starkers ? Raving ? Well, luckily the Judge ordered it. Well, he commissioned Hantel-Quittmann , the Court’s psychologistman. Well, Hantel – Quittmann wrote for the Court his
Report. Well,with this we nobbled her.
Well, you’d have thought that stopped injustice for the family . Well, no.Well, Hantel – Quittmann had written an enormously bloated Court’s Nobble Report .
Out of the thirty pages that the Court needed to nobble her( we’ll call them the Thirty Nobble Pages ) , well, Hantel-Quittmann had blown and bloated it up to make a hundred and thirty nobble pages for his Court
Psychologist’s Nobble Her Report . Well, of course, this quadrupled the Court Psychologist’s nobble fee which he demanded for
writing ( and for bloating ) that blown up Nobble Report .
Well, the Court demanded I pay Hantel-Quittman’s enormous Court Nobble Fee ( call it C.N.F. for short.
Well, broke, I bleated.
Well,broken, I took down a measuring instrument from the Court-walls and in a jiffy I had no trouble at all in demonstrating how good old Hantel -Quittmann had
out of the Thirty Nobble Pages made his hundred and thirty pages .

Well, he had just repeated himself without blushing. How well he’d padded out the thirty pages. our noble nobbler . How well he had doubled and quadrupled his nobble-material

so as, without wink or blush or grin, to swell the C.N.F. enormously. .
Well, I pointed this out first to the Judge and then to the Court ” Revisor” ( – over in Altona he was , I remember ) – I protested that our noble Nobble Report had been swollen to over a hundred andthirty pages whereas its kern needed only thirty nobble pages.
Well, the Court Revisor claimed that all the Nobble Pages were necessary and he

denied that Hantle-Quittmann had blown up his pages out of all proportions, that Hantel-Quittmann had been, well, engaged in a bit of very
expensive fiddling. I’d just have to pay by thenobble page.

Well, I refused to pay a C.N.F. more than for thirty pages. Well, they insisted I pay the C.N.F. in full, Hantel-Quittmann’s grandiosely fiddled hundred and thirty noble pages. Well, I
to my guns.
Well, the Court then ruled that for each C.N.F. due on each unpaid nobble page I’d just have to sit in jail, – for a nobble, noble page a day.
Well, I then went to jail in Altona. Well, I sat exactly one hundred days (a page a sat day … ). Well.
And that , well, taught me?
Well, it did not. Well, if it had to be done again, would I etc. etc.

Well, I would. Well, no, it’s never easy to nobble. To be noble….
Ah well….

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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