Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Dear Frank

I am writing from The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) regarding an upcoming exhibition entitled The Moderns scheduled to open in IMMA from 19th October 2010 to 25th March 2011. This exhibition will attempt to look at the most innovative and experimental developments in Ireland during the period from approx 1900 -1975 mainly revolving around Irish art but also considering these developments in the context of the broader culture of the day, tracing the interconnections between art forms including music, literature, film and architecture. The exhibition is curated by IMMA Director, Enrique Juncosa, and Christina Kennedy, Senior Curator, Collections, and will launch IMMA’s 20th Anniversary in 2011. I have attached a summary of the intent of the exhibition.

We would like to feature in the exhibition the developments in modern music in Ireland through a selection of significant music works. To this end we would like to display a selection of 7-8 original musical scores in vitrines in the exhibition, and also possibly reproduced in the exhibition catalogue. We would very much like to feature one of your compositions in this context and the work we would like to suggest is:

Frank Corcoran

Dektet – 1971

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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