Robert Spaemann´s ” GOTTESBEWEIS” – surely he´s the fastest gun in town since 2006 ? Linguistic logic ( – a lazy tautology here , cold blogger ? ) . Observe the rabbit in the hat, sleight of hand :
1. Alle Tatsachenwahrheiten sind ewige Wahrheiten.
2. Jede Gegenwart ist die Vergangenheit einer künftigen Gegenwart.
3. Der ontologische Status dieser ewigen Wahrheiten besteht weder in einer Wirking, noch im Erinnertwerden, sondern im Gewußtwerden.
Es ist somit einem absoluten Bewußtsein, also Gott, gegenwärtig.
Voila! Try denying 1. I can´t. But ” ewig” seems to be claiming more than “Wahrheiten” – a, ahem, tautology ? A whiff of unearned grandeur? I´ll try denying 2. Humph! – again, it won´t budge. But is it more than a teasing out of
“Gegenwart “´s meaning ? Or of the way we invented the future – simple or “exactum” while swinging from the banana-trees, eh? Ahem, no, nein. Now where did Spaemann get Nr. 3. then ? It´s apparent magisteriality ? His Big Clout? He got it out of his black hat, an enormously beautiful whopper of an assumption…. it may well be true if what he wants to prove is true is actually, well, true. Otherwise, not true – because he has smuggled “Gewußtwerden” in by the heels. And therefore also his Nr. 4 : ” es ist somit”…. is not a “somit” but a real quick pistol-draw. ( – And, of course, “Es ist somit… ” IS true IF what our good Prof. Spaemann is hoping to establish IS the case…. )
But is it the case ? Humph. – It may; or then again it may not be , quite independent of his virtuose Gottesbeweis.
Word-trickery? Logic gone awry? Academia´s endemic acrobacy?