Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


For bright – cold / searing -hot summer heat / 2013, and its autumnal decline-curve and its, my wintry discontent, yes, a metaphor for a composer´s
WHAT ? Therefore I´ll :
1. Seek out the multipliers ( – players , situations, carpe the chance, the conductor ! ) swiftly, a composer´s silence.
2. Supposing now tthat in 2013 here are not any – what then ?

3. Well then, in this slowly emerging, birthing New Year 2013, supposing I do not confuse , NEVER conflate my composing with
my planning of performances, of my composer´s image, such hype.

4. Remain nimble, I mean nimble fingers and nimble tonal considerations eg. about the high hat or how many piccolos in the first movement ?

5. Bann all blues, those blue notes , but especially those biochemically produced.

6. Don´t forget The Larger Picture. Ever.

7. If possible, laugh. If ( – temporarily, we hope for 2013 ) not possible, then at least whicker, snicker, try the wry grin. ( – Corcoran Corollary: It can be bitter, the composer´s slog in the delightful world of 2013 ? Are you insane, Frank Corcoran !?

8. Remember our, my lonely heroes ( – yes, my heroes in poverty, with syphilis, suffering no recognition, poor, bleeding composers receiving God´s whacks and cattle-prods , eg. death of a child , groin-kicks breath-taking, break your coccyx, your spine, your very 2013 HOPE ! ! ) – eg. of the ilk of:
– Webern at the end, – young syphilis-postuled Schubert, – old shaky tremolo-whisky hand Sibelius, such greats, such giants. There are more.
Coraggio ! Hauld on ! Halt fest! Bí Cúramach !
I give you 2013.

9. From such giants my 2013 shall learn, will rise, should all-encompass, has to blow all paeans , the body electric, the full orchestral tutti, all-encompassing, Si !, GIGANTIC AND GARGANTUAN – SOUNDING Ath-Bhliain = NEW YEAR 2013. ( ? resounding success ! – RESOUND ! )

10. Forget never great Lutoslawsky´s ( quasi last ? ) interview with that canny Canadian radio :
” Is it not incredibly wonderful that we composers daily can enter and leave and enter once again our composer´s alternative universe of sounding visions and aspirations and soul´s dreams infinite ? ”

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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