Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Certainly, I´ll write it out in a verse:

20. 09. 2007. The Bayerische Rundfunk broadcast my ” QUASI UN CONCERTO ” with big

orchestral guns, the filthy lot. Good.

1.10.2007. Our own Lyric Fm broadcast my ” PIANO TRIO ” ( the Spanish Arbos Trio at this
year´s Sligo Festival. How many Aosdana members were, ahem, present ? )
I well remember my struggles at the beaten-up piano, 1978 in Mount Merrion,
to give birth to that opening solo for bleeding, polytemporal piano, and then to
have the cello explode in, then the lifting microcontrapoint of my Bergian violin
opening . The PIANO TRIO did take off. My first dapple-dawn-drawn work. Of

1.10.2006 Lyric Fm broadcast ” 9 ASPECTS OF AN IRISH POEM BY GABRIEL
ROSENSTOCK ” for the beautiful violin bow of beautiful ( and beautifully
sounding ) Catherine Leonard and beautiful National Chamber Choir with
beautiful Celso Antunes´s beautiful shaping.
Also Constantin Zanidache´s sculpting of my ” VARIATIONS ON A Mháirín De
Barra” for his special viola sheen.

20.9.2007 Bavarian Radio, Bayerischer Rundfunk, broadcast my orchestral ” QUASI UN

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