Do I believe in “Creatio ex Nihilo” ? Do I what ?
The composer spins, certainly she spins, new yarn, old yarns, out of what? – Yes, out of
her earlier works, or a ” new path” , or ” tones versus anti-tones ” , out of a just-now-perhaps-picked-up paramusical “idea” ( eg. ” Let´s this evening have a little fun! Let´s use a quantum mechanics formula “. ) , or she may compose out of his composer´s grandmother´s sufferings from the year 1894, you folly me? Or build on a new form principle ( – but WHAT!? ) , out of lithe laptops mating limply across measureless oceans, or again out of a ( nearly Kitsch ) trigger – line like : ” fast falls the even-tide…. ”
Creatio ex nihilo ? What´s this “nihil” , I wonder as I blog, compose, essay or saunter across this, my space? To “compose” it new, we surely all will want that nowadays ( Pace Palestrina and all the Bach family; whist, too, John Cage! ), yours truly humbly dumbly included, yes. Neither irony nor pastiche nor imitation nor parody nor re-gurgitation is endurable for long. -Okay. Difficult to define “Kitsch”, I´ll grant me, and yet I don´t believe that anything goes.
“Wir bauen hier so feste / Und sind doch fremde Gäste! ” ” We´re building here so free / Our jolly building-spree!” ” Und wo wir sollen ewig sein / Bauen wir so wenig ein!” ” Bu, well, where we should endure / There we are so bloody unsure!”
Posted under: General