Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

” The seeds of conflict long are ripe, are rotten …. “

The seeds of conflict long are ripe , are rotten .

None foresees the future , not those who make it .

Sykes and Picot should not be forgotten….

Genocide ! We no more can fake it !

I´m reading ” PALESTINE PAPERS ” , desert capers

On donkey and on camel , drawing frontiers

After the Great War ( do not lose those papers ! ) .

Now it´s rotting children , ceased all black tears .

A sonnet can but warn . Carpentry squeaks

Its Caoine while the juice of dead lads leaks .

A bomb-dumb -or -deaf hero ´s spittle speaks

These seeds of conflict , germinating long

Their Phrygian song of bitter , ancient wrong ,

Is this now Armageddon ? ( Ding , dong , gong …. )

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